3 likes Automotive
JDM accessories, Custom License Plates, (LEDs/CCFLs), Fiberglass Lips, Eye Lids, Vinyl Banners, Gel Stickers, And Much More. Full-Time vehicle accessories and lighting customization, restoration retrofits light business & service. We specialize in recent trending License Plates, Gel Stickers, and various accessories to color coordinate your vehicle. We do custom license plates, vinyl banners, stickers, rear window banners, and Illuminated license plates. We also carry a variety of JDM/ Domestic/ European merchandise not limited to Shirts/Bags/ Steering Wheels and much more. We offer the best available merchandise for your car ranging from various designs and accessories according to your needs and budget. Passion-driven service!
Rich's Wrecking
2 likes Automotive
308-632-7625 New and used auto parts. Every part sold carries a 100 day warranty. We also buy your wrecked or unwanted cars. We sell new and used auto parts for all makes cars, pickups, vans, and suv's. Our specialty is 15 year old and newer cars, pickups,vans and 4x4 models. Mostly american but have a growing inventory of foreign makes as well. We ship daily via several different methods to serve you best. We also BUY your unwanted cars and pickups. We offer free pickup on the vehicles we purchase. Open Monday thru Friday 8am to 5:30-pm MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE
Steve Eich
Iván Ramos Toretto