

Erika Blas
The #SpeechPolice is looking for words you use thar can land you on the #FBI #Watchlist. Can you say #1984? #BigBrother is watching you.
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Alicia Curry
https://youtu.be/S-u49eAF2ds Worlds Most Demonic Monument Destroyed. The Second Shot Heard Around The World. American Independence 2.0 #IndependenceDay2 #July62022 #InfoWars #QueenMaatGirlTv #Globalis... View More
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Alicia Curry
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Jerry kruger
true true true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like June 7, 2022
Alicia Curry
Erika Blas
Holy mole! Talk about life imitating art. #GeorgeOrwell & #AynRand foresaw things the #DemonRATZ would do in the future to take away our rights & freedoms to controll us & how they'd go about monitori... View More
Taiho or Tai Decker
Archiving for posterity sake archive.today webpage capture... View More
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