

Erika Blas
Summer storms hammered DC. Hurricane rain, winds & lightning. No reasonable person would be caught outside — except the #ThirdInfantryRegiment, known as #TheOldGuard, watching over the #TombOfTheUnkno... View More
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robert shewey
Two words come to mind. Respect and Honor. Both of which soldiers deserve. Especially those who gave all for America.
Like July 30, 2023
Erika Blas
Like July 30, 2023
Jerry kruger
Like July 30, 2023
Erika Blas
#GodBlessAmerica ??????????????????????????????????
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Theo Prinse
Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News ·1m One of the coolest moments of the Cullman Alabama Trump Rally! Every parent should raise their child to love America as much as four-year-old Bell... View More
Patrice Fernandez
IN GOD WE TRUST ?? #GodblessAmerica ????????????????????????????????????????
Kelly Pelletier
Dervys Chavez Calero
*Se acuerdan qué les dije en el voice del viernes pasado, que estuvieran pendientes de la fecha de principios de Marzo..???* *¿Por qué DC está lleno de militares?* ... View More
Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
Carlos Sarmiento: THIS IS BIG! This election lawsuit was filed yesterday. It's setting things up for a constitutional showdown between the Executive and the Legislature leading up to January 6th. This... View More
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Tri Com
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