

CH4M3L30N C0D3
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Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
After a great workout, A great shake. Happy 4th of July to all proud Americans. If you are not proud of living in this country you are welcomed to GTFO. Pardon my honesty. Not taking it from anybody t... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Ronald Reagan, 40th President #USA
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China releases a 12 point plan for peace in Ukraine. WOW. They are playing world leader now. What will Biden say? He is up to his arse w Ukraine and also w China. Lets see the next Corruption act of... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Former #USA Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts explains what the planned #Reset actually consists of. #CatherineAustinFitts #G7 #TheGreatReset #Pandemic #Vaccines
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Jerry kruger
Like January 1, 2023
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