

Rogue Nation Militia
Now he can finally go to his grave knowing he wasn't the worst president of the United States! #BuildBackBetterMyAss #LetsGoBrandon #ShareThisPost - Former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson says th... View More
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Jerry kruger
Lady speaks about her pronouns #LetsGoBrandon
China releases a 12 point plan for peace in Ukraine. WOW. They are playing world leader now. What will Biden say? He is up to his arse w Ukraine and also w China. Lets see the next Corruption act of... View More
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Erika Blas
Erika Blas
CH4M3L30N C0D3
Martin Rayburn
Saw this on the road today. #LetsGoBrandon
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Tania Z
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Alicia Curry
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Iran Plasencia
Cuado ya te crees que nada te sorprende!!! Te mandan esto ! #democratsdestroyamerica #LetsGoBrandon #VALORES
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