

After a great workout, A great shake. Happy 4th of July to all proud Americans. If you are not proud of living in this country you are welcomed to GTFO. Pardon my honesty. Not taking it from anybody t... View More
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Good Morning. Pray up. A new day. Lets get this workout in. LFG….. . . #workout #pray #begood #conservative #workout #maga #maba #maha #fitness #combat #hiit #cardio #lfg
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100x35 Fitness
Como calcular tu indice de masa corporal y saber tu peso ideal. #fitness
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Its all about the mindset. In my second run I cut 2 mins of my run. I can pass my PT easy now. I thought I was very much out of run shape but I am almost there. My goal is to cut 3 more mins and pass ... View More
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Luz García
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Luz García
El Amor ? Lo mas Bello del Mundo ? Amo toda la Creación de Nuestro Rey de Reyes ! Disfrutemos & Respetemos la Creación De Dios ♥️ copyright by #einsamerhirte @leorojas Super Talent 20011 final Song @... View More
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Luz García
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The words I found were Health, Gratitude, Self care, Money. These will be your focus for 2022  Which words did you find? . . ... View More
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Purpose, connection, money, breakthrough, love
Like March 6, 2022
“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger . . #GetFit #Cardio #Cycling #FitFam #Fi... View More
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