Emancipation The Only Black American Success Against Racism Among Civil War, Civil Rights and Woke BLM Era. #blm #politics #racism #trump #racerelations #success #excellence #blackhistory #midterms #d... View MoreEmancipation The Only Black American Success Against Racism Among Civil War, Civil Rights and Woke BLM Era. #blm #politics #racism #trump #racerelations #success #excellence #blackhistory #midterms #debate
Day 6 of using X49 and X39 combined.
When I started I got a little eager, wasn't going to weigh myself for 2 weeks, but couldn't stand it, since... View MoreX49+X39 SUCCESS STORY FROM 75 YEAR YOUNG Pam Gotcher
Day 6 of using X49 and X39 combined.
When I started I got a little eager, wasn't going to weigh myself for 2 weeks, but couldn't stand it, since I could see some swelling going away - have lost 4 lbs! (And yes, water weight, but still....) and I have been on a major BAD Halloween candy binge.
All those cravings have either stopped or slowed down since starting the combo.
Doesn't mean I haven't had 4 or 5 pieces a day, but, darn it, not handfuls! And still lost 4 lbs.
I have enough energy to go all day - don't need a midday nap.
Also my vision continues to improve.
Pretty much stopped my prescription glasses because the near vision is too strong to see well enough to screw the switch plate screws into the new covers.
I'm getting a good 8-9 hours of sleep (more if you count the time I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed the cats who are walking over my face - darn they're spoiled) - but before I slept so lightly that anything woke me up.
I definitely have more strength - don't have to have a little step stool to get back up after working on the floor (screwing outlet plates in). And now I can lay on my sides again (impossible before patches because of a slow healing reverse shoulder replacement surgery in 2018, and what seems like maybe a rotator cuff issue on the other side), but now I can actually sleep on my side where I couldn't before.
#energy #sleep #water #success #vision #strength #selfcare #healthylifestyle #wellness #fitness #healthcare #immunity #RegenerativeMedicine #CellularRegeneration #CellularActivation #stemcelltherapy #LifeChanging #love #compassion #help
True Testimony
Heather's Testimonial:
I got my blood test results back!!!
Ok so first of all, as many of you know, I had a gastric sleeve surgery back in January of 2019. Due to the nature of my su... View MoreTrue Testimony
Heather's Testimonial:
I got my blood test results back!!!
Ok so first of all, as many of you know, I had a gastric sleeve surgery back in January of 2019. Due to the nature of my surgery I had to go into in with the awareness that I would be on a strict regimen of vitamins for the rest of my life. I can TELL when I slack on them because I get fatigued, cold, cranky, sick, weak, tired and an all around icky feeling.
When I started with This Black Unicorn and taking the fulvic acid aka dirt... I decided to do a little test. I knew I would be getting blood work done in the next month's time so I stopped any and all vitamins, nutritional supplements all together EXCEPT for my FvH. (BTW I also have anemia and I typically always have low iron levels).
I took my FvH twice a day ingesting it and I never once felt the side effects of not taking my vitamins. In fact I felt INCREDIBLE. Like even better than before, during, or after my surgery. I had energy, clean energy for the first time in my life!
So back to my blood test results..
The ONLY thing that came back as low was folic acid and Vitamin D. ... I was like what? That's it?! And, my levels were right below normal so it's not like it was a super low number, just that I need a tad more. BUT EVERYTHING ELSE WAS NORMAL RANGE!!! EVEN MY IRON!!!!
My Doctor even said on the phone when she called to give my results, I recommend that you continue to use the supplement we discussed in my office as it seems to be beneficial to your health.
So .. I will be continuing my dirt. And for anyone who was skeptical... don't be. This has taken multiple viatmins and supplements out of my medicine cabinet and I've replaced it with ONE product. One game changing product. #success.
**please keep in mind these are my own personal results and you should never go off of medication or something that is prescribed to you for a reason. I knew that by going off my vitamins that if I felt that pull or need to take them then I would have. I am very I tune with my body and what it needs and how long I can push that timeframe. I do not recommend stopping something that your dr wants you to take unless you consult them first **
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