

Erika Blas
#IllegalAlien in #NYC complaining about not being able to eat the #Food at the #Shelter, the food is "no good" after the #Ramadan break, only being able to stay at the shelter for 2 months & having to... View More
Not bad of a harvest w this heat. Peppers, Ajíes(PR), Cubanelle Peppers, carrots, 1 Jalapeño and still some tomatoes. Fighting to make them survive the heat. . . #growyourownfood #peppers #jalapeño #... View More
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Let's do this. In doing a great workout today by @amoila_cesar Want to do it w me? Follow me for more details. You can also DM me and I will get back to you. Being healthy is more important now tha... View More
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Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
Recommend it. Whats a woman? Many of our new generation want to erase them or even dont know what it is. . . #DAILYWIRE #whatsawoman #freespeech #whyareyourfeelingshurt #letourchildrenalone #americ... View More
Erika Blas
Erika Blas
CH4M3L30N C0D3
#BillCooper many years ago offered us a great piece of advice. In 2016 we complied with it and saw results. We have the same opportunity in 2024. We have to wake up and stop being the puppets of the ... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
There are no #coincidences and even less when you know about #OperationMokingbird . They #indoctrinate you step by step, that's why not even the indoctrinated can give a #rational explanation of what ... View More
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CH4M3L30N C0D3
Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it to themselves. #TheEnemiesWithin want total #Control of your #rights and #freedoms . The approach is to use the #MainStreamMedia and #Hollyw... View More
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