https://rumble.com/v40fp0v--whistle-blowers-12.9.23-12pm.html How did the #CCP attack #Americans using social media? (EP25) | #WhistleBlowers 12.9.23
How did the CCP attack Americans using social media? (EP25) | WHISTLE BLOWERS 12.9.23 @12pm
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Homestead Magazine
Project Veritas has acquired hundreds of documents that detail business plans for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) State-Owned Enterprises related to their 14th Five-Year-Plan. A source alerted Pro... View More
Source Exposes Chinese Web Server Detailing CCP Five-Year-Plan for Bio Engineering & Military Tech
Project Veritas has acquired hundreds of documents that detail business plans for the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) State-Owned Enterprises related to their 14th Five-Year-Plan. A source alerted P
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Robert farrow
EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Intel-Linked ‘Service Centers’ In US Cities Used Cultural Events To Push Communist Party Propaganda
https://dailycaller.com/2023/07/12/ccp-chinese-intelligence-culture-propaganda/... View More
EXCLUSIVE: Chinese Intel-Linked ‘Service Centers’ In US Cities Used Cultural Events To Push Communist Party Propaganda
A CCP intel service directs U.S. OCSCs to host Chinese cultural activities featuring what experts call pro-China "propaganda," a DCNF investigation found.
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The purpose of #Agenda2030 is to control the world under a single government regime simulating the #CCP . After 3 years of #Plandemic , it is already known that it was the #TrojanHorse for you to all... View More
Yuval Noah Harari
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Patriots, it is time to wake up! Today we have the threat of #TheGreatReset with the #WorldEconomicForum, which openly admires and wants to implement the CCP style of governance. The #CCP is closer to... View More
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https://rumble.com/v20va92-webinar-is-joe-biden-a-ccp-controlled-asset-the-evidence-from-hunters-lapto.html #CCP #JoeBiden #HunterBidenLaptop
Webinar | Is Joe Biden a CCP ‘Controlled Asset’? The Evidence from Hunter’s Laptop
Deep-dive by Garrett Ziegler Makes the Case Our National Security is Imperiled Shortly before the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Rus
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#ElonMusk bows before Pinko #China and the #CCP https://odysee.com/@RebelNews:9/elon-musk-celebrates-100-years-of:7
Elon Musk celebrates 100 years of Communism on Chinese social media | Gordon G. Chang
►https://rebelne.ws/3wjxg8L | Full episode of The Ezra Levant Show (SUBSCRIBERS ONLY)
Author and political commentator Gordon G. Chang joins Ezra Levant to discuss Tesla CEO Elon Musk's decisio
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Heya #ShareBlue ! More Evidence of Vote/Voter/Election Fraud. Want to try to explain?
How about you #MSM ? #DNC ? #Democrats ? #DCCC ? #CCP ! ?
Elections are supposed to be Voting Contests. Not #Dem... View More
My Pillow Guy Releases Second Election Fraud Video on his Website
It is titled: 'Unmasked: Has the truth about the 2020 election been uncovered?'
Download the video:
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