

Golok Z Buday
Erika Blas
I copied this from #JamesWood's #Twitter today. Pretty cool #History. A large equestrian statue of King George III is torn down by a mob of patriots after the reading of the #DeclarationOfIndependenc... View More
Erika Blas
Erika Blas
Erika Blas
From the #LincolnProject #Twitter page: Today marks the 79th anniversary of D-Day, when #AntiFascists stormed the beaches of #Normandy. They liberated concentration camps & countries, making a sacrifi... View More
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Erika Blas
Today is the last day to watch #WhatIsAWoman for free on #Twitter #MattWalsh #DailyWire
Erika Blas
#Navy gets major blowback for posting a #PrideMonth, #LGBT banner on its #Twitter page & removes it within 24 hours. #Military #Honor #Respect #Service
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Erika Blas
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Erika Blas
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Erika Blas
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