Globalists Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Left Loses Climate Change Cred With Inside Nuke Job In Ohio #eastpalestineohio #insidejob #globalism #queenmaatgirl #climatechange #globalwarming
Globalists Global Warming Hoax Exposed: Left Loses Climate Change Cred With Inside Nuke Job In Ohio
Join me on the front lines of the information war, as I expose the radical left globalists climate change hoax in the wake of the inside job on East Palestine Ohio!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #eastpalestine #InsideJob
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I Told You So: The Biden Conservative SOTUS Response! #queenmaatgirltv #maga #saveamerica #infowars #fakenews #sotus #newworldorder #globalism
I Told You So: The Biden SOTUS Response
Join me on the front lines of the information war, as I offer an epic "I told you so" conservative response to the Biden SOTUS!
#QueenMaatGirlTV #joebiden #SOTUS #ConservativeResponse
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Live replaying last Wednesdays broadcast in an effort to build up my backup channels watch time, subs and get monetized because globalist big tech YouTube has demonitized my flagship channel, and hit ... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays The Globalist Move To Destroy The American Economy!
Welcome back to the freedom lovers patriot Wednesdays open panel. Topic: The globalists continued use of black people to destroy America! The WalMart shopping while black lawsuit is just another example of the deep state using unaware black people as their foot soldiers, and secret police to destroy America and usher in the new world order!
THE HOMELESSNESS CRISIS AND CRIME IN LOS ANGELES: https://esfandilawfirm.com/homelessness-crisis-and-crime-in-los-angeles/
‘Shopping while Black’: Walmart ordered to pay Portland area man $4.4M for summoning police on bogus charges: https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2022/08/shopping-while-black-walmart-ordered-to-pay-portland-area-man-44m-for-summoning-police-on-bogus-charges.html
Walmart ordered to pay $4.4 million in ‘shopping while Black’ discrimination lawsuit https://thegrio.com/2022/08/22/walmart-ordered-to-pay-4-4-million/
@QueenMaatGirlTv #queenmaatgirltv #globalism #economy
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Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Urban America: You Are Not Ready For The Melbourne Experiment Ro Go Live! #SmartCities #16MinuteCities #Globalism #Tyranny #powergrab #queenmaatgirltv #slavery
Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Urban America: You're Not Ready For The Melbourne Experiment To Go Live!
Join us on the front lines of Black Central Command for another scholastic debate. Topic: Black people are not ready for the smart cities, or 30 minute cities a.k.a Melbourne experiment to go live. Black people have been conditioned by the globalists to tune out of real life, and become subjects of a metaverse, or matrix revolving around hip hop, reality Tv, celebrity gossip, marijuana, drugs, and crime as opposed to real life politics, and what the globalists are cooking up to destroy human civilization. If you disagree with me, I'm calling you out for a debate. The winner will be paid a $100 Cash App award or better. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #MelbourneExpeirment #SmartCities
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Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: From Yellowstone to The Neom, The Globalists are Losing The Info War! #infowars #globalism #queenmaatgirltv #YellowstoneNationalPark #NewWorldOrder #Neom
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: From The Neom To Yellowstone NWO Is Losing Info War
Join me us for another Patriot Wednesdays freedom lovers panel. Topic: From the globalist acquisition of natural land (Yellowstone national park) to the Neom...
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Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Mysterious Death Of Anne Heche A Globalist Epstein Whistleblower? #QueenMaatGirlTv #AnneHeche #TheGirlInRoom13 #JefferyEpstein #EllenDegeneres #Hilary... View More
QueenMa'atGirl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: Mysterious Death of Anne Heche, A Epstein Whistleblower?
Join us on the front lines of the info war as we discuss the mysterious death of Anne Heche, a possible Jeffery Epstein whistleblower silenced by the radical left deep state!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #AnneHeche #JefferyEpstein
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Queen Ma'at Girl Presents: Patriot Wednesdays. The Space Program A Globalist Money Laundering Scam! #MAGA #SpaceProgram #ISS #RussiaUkraine #Globalism #DebtSlavery
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Space Program, A Globalist Money Laundering Scam!
Join us on the front lines of the information war for another epic freedom lovers panel. With the announcement that Russia plans to pull out of the international space station in 2024, it occurred to me that the space program ran by NASA is nothing more than a globalist money laundering scam. What ground breaking innovation, or life changing science has the existence of the space program, the billions of dollars annually spent funding it, and the joint venture I.S.S with Russia achieved other than low earth orbit? Nothing at all! You gotta wonder where all that money has gone! That's what I aim to expose!
#QueenMa'atGirlTv #NASA #Roscosmos #ColdWar #globalismo
Book recommendation 1: American Kleptocracy How the U.S. Created the World's Greatest Money Laundering Scheme in History
Book recommendation 2: Black Listed. https://www.amazon.com/Blacklisted-History-Senator-McCarthy-Americas/dp/1400081068
Book recommendation 3: The Moon Landing Hoax: The Eagle That Never Landed. https://www.amazon.com/Moon-Landing-Hoax-Eagle-Landed/dp/1906512477
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https://youtu.be/S-u49eAF2ds Worlds Most Demonic Monument Destroyed. The Second Shot Heard Around The World. American Independence 2.0 #IndependenceDay2 #July62022 #InfoWars #QueenMaatGirlTv #Globalis... View More
Worlds Most Demonic Structure Destroyed: The Shot Heard Around The World! American Independence 2.0
History reminds us that the shot heard around the world has become symbolic of the battle of Lexington and Concord! Marking the start of the American war for independence from great Brittan. This time it will be American independence from radical leftist Globalism. Patriots around the world rejoice at the destruction of the worlds most demonic structure the Georgia Guide Stones. Find out what it all means, and why the Luciferian left is so outraged!
#QueenMatGirTv #GeorgisGuideStones #GBI #AmericanIndepence2
Biden Oil Scandal: https://thefederalist.com/2022/07/08/biden-sold-oil-from-emergency-reserves-to-chinese-gas-giant-tied-to-his-scandal-plagued-son/
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Queen Ma'at Girl Presents: White Wednesdays. Biden Its The Economy Stupid!
#economicdisaster #failedBidenAdministration #fakenews #coverups #financialcolapse #Globalism #designedcollapse #covid19 #lo... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays: Biden, Its The Economy Stupid!
Join us on the front lines of the information war as we exposed the Biden administrations disastrous economy, and all out war on American families! You are welcome to join the freedom lovers panel!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #ItsTheEconomyStupid
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Black America The Jig Is Up For You, Your Handlers, and The Victim Narrative!
#leonnaHale #FalseFlags #globalism #midterms #rougegovernment #tyranny #guncontrol #gunban #cannadagunban #1984 #infowars... View More
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