by on October 22, 2020
Why I Am Voting ?       That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”...
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by on January 5, 2021
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident:          --That all men are created equal      ...
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by on December 29, 2020
La medicina natural, cada dia se ve mas la diferencia entre la medicina farmaceutica sintetica y la medicina herbaria o natural, mientras las farmaceuticas envestigan para dar productos que no curan y son tóxicos la medicina natural nos ofrece una curación sin intoxicarnos 
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by on June 27, 2022
Querellas a Gregorio Matias, Ex-sargento y Senador de Puerto Rico, quien nos llamó delincuentes a nosotros. Querellas administrativas por racismo, conducta inmoral, utilización de lenguaje inapropiado en horas laborables, incitar a la violencia y hasta negligencia... Campamento Resistencia tuvo acceso al récord administrativo de Gregorio, quien también fue vicepresidente de la Asociación de Policías Organizados (APO), y este evidencia al menos 11 querellas administrativas entre 1996 y 2012. ...
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by on October 13, 2020
There is a social annihilation occurring across communities throughout the United States, however, for the purposes of this series, I will only be focusing on the social disintegration in the black community and the perils of losing vital systems that establish and ground us as a people. When measuring the changes to the social structure of the black community, I am specifically examining these changes based upon alterations to religious belief systems (practicing of faith); negative influences ...
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by on January 20, 2021
Whether you need a refresher on President Trump’s accomplishments, or a list to share with those who question, “Do you [or how can/ how dare you] still support Trump?”, here is a very long list of what he did for the United States of America over the last four years. Trump Administration Accomplishments from 2017-21 ...
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by on May 24, 2022
Fragmento del libro de Jacques Attali, un asesor de François Mitterrand (expresidente de Francia). Escribió esto en el año 1981: "En el futuro será cuestión de encontrar la forma de reducir la población.  Empezaremos por los viejos, porque en cuanto superan los 60-65 años el hombre vive más de lo que produce y le cuesta caro a la sociedad....
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by on May 31, 2022
En el portal de Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, la violencia doméstica se define como, "un tipo de violencia de género que sucede a personas que son o fueron pareja y entre las que existió una relación consensual". Este tipo de violencia tampoco tiene edad: cualquiera puede ser víctima o agredir. Para que tenga una idea en el 2020, hubo 6,540 incidentes de violencia doméstica en Puerto Rico. Digo, esos fueron los que No se quedaron callados, se desconoce cuantos permanecieron o permanecen callados al...
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by on September 26, 2022
EL.DEBIDO PROCESO DE LEY: "Todo acusado de delito criminal será inocente hasta que no se le pruebe lo contrario" La Cárcel se hizo para mí y para usted, su vida puede cambiar en un segundo y usted nunca sabe cuando podrá ser acusado de cometer un delito grave siendo inocente. Soy graduado de una Maestría en Justicia Criminal, Criminologia e Investigación. En adición por casi 50 años soy investigador privado, y cada día creo menos en la justicia del hombre. Sólo creo en la justicia del Padre I...
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by on March 3, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-24  The People's Revolution ...
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by on July 30, 2022
 Acostumbrate a poner todas las noches las llaves de tu auto en la mesa de noche, junto a tu cama. Si escuchas un ruido fuera de tu casa o alguien que intenta entrar en tu casa, simplemente presiona el botón de pánico de tu alarma. Esta se activará, y la bocina seguirá sonando hasta que la apagues o la batería del auto se agote. Alerta a tu esposa y a tus hijos a que lo conviertan en una costumbre tambien; y a cualquier otro familiar o persona que tambien viva en tu hogar. Nunca se sabe quien ...
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by on September 1, 2021
Totalitarianism - Authoritarianism - Fascism - Ultranationalism - Shadow Governments The United States Of America Which Are We?  ...
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by on September 2, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update Weekend Edition:  ...
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by on October 13, 2020
Liberals are on a mission— their mission is to desolate black communities beyond repair while screaming (literally) at the tops of their lungs (often times in the faces of nonconforming blacks) that black lives matter. An assertion that we already know and do not need their consignment to validate. However, this mission is far greater, even than these atrocities alone. This mission ultimately seeks to completely reverse the accomplishments of the black civil rights movement and revert living con...
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by on May 23, 2022
En miles de habitaciones de hospitales y residencias hoy morirán miles de creyentes de las más de 4,000 religiones certificadas en el planeta. Todas y cada una de ellas afirman tener la verdad, los milagros y las benevolencias de su Díos. Aún así, ésta noche no habrá milagros que puedan sanar a muchos de sus enfermos y seres queridos. No sin antes, haberles estado dando gracias éstos a su Díos por meses y otros por años por Éste haberlos sanado de sus enfermedades, achaques y calamidades....
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by on January 18, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-18  The People's Revolution ...
169 views 2 likes
by on June 25, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-47  The People's Revolution ...
194 views 1 like
by on November 11, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update The People's Revolution ...
178 views 1 like
by on January 17, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-17  The People's Revolution ...
123 views 1 like
by on September 22, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update The People’s Revolution ...
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by on September 27, 2020
As observed by reading an Internet article named, “Morality Has No Place in the Law,” there is a belief that laws do not and should not be based on morals. Sarah Braasch, Morality Has No Place in the Law, Patheos Blogs (January 14, 2011) . Ms. Braasch, and many other anti-realists, do not believe in using morality for one because it is based on subjective theories.  In the area of anti-realism, no law based th...
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by on May 29, 2022
Remembering: Memorial Day   It is on this day that people all across this great nation pause to remember our courageous men and women who took time from their own families to make sure that all families remained safe in their daily lives. Something within them called to them to serve and while we should all be thankful 365 days a year we set aside this single day - Memorial Day to say thank you. We are not simply remembering those that lost their lives in the line of duty but to all that h...
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by on November 26, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update The People's Revolution ...
166 views 1 like
by on October 2, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update The People's Revolution ...
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