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The Patriot Brotherhood
News Gazette Briefs-72
The People's Revolution
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” ― Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence.
When sworn into office, US lawmakers take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Our own government has broken its oath!
We are an off-branch of 'The Patriot Brotherhood'. We gather news from many different sources from around the world and share it with each of you in hopes of keeping you informed. We also publish here on the web 'The Patriot Brotherhood News-Gazette Briefs-The People's Revolution, We had planned on stopping the newsletter but no longer. We can not reach the number of people we should if we do so. Many of you have sent me word that you thought I was out of my mind but that’s okay because every nerve I hit means I must be doing something right so enjoy. You are invited to follow us at https://mewe.com/p/thepatriotbrotherhoodsdailynews or https://orbys.net/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/ or https://wimkin.com/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/wall/ and https://www.facebook.com/The.PatriotBrotherhoods.DailyNews
World Wide Freedom Rally - World Wide Freedom Rally is an international movement dedicated to the preservation of Freedom and Human Rights. Our team of independent local organizers supports our global event every two months: The World Wide Rally for Freedom.
We Support 5 Important Freedoms:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Health
Freedom of Choice
If we do not, who will?
Just because the crowned ‘Court Jester’, the biggest fool of them all is sitting in the oval office taking up space doesn’t mean we have to follow his lead and act like a fool on ‘April Fools Day’ Keep your right mind about you and stay safe.
The Dems and Rhinos unknowingly are helping President Trump to regain the oval office in 2024.
At the time of this posting, Trump had (not) been arrested.
House passes legislation to give parents more say in their kids’ education - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a piece of legislation on Friday aimed at giving parents more of a say in the school curriculum and more control in their children’s education. News Flash, it is we parents that should say just how much control the school system has over our child. We do not need permission from The U.S. House for anything.
Utah becomes first to limit teens’ social media use with new law - Utah passed legislation Thursday to require parental consent for children to use certain social media apps, becoming the first state in the country to limit teenagers’ social media usage. Wonder how they plan on enforcing that one.
Ret. AF officer sentenced to years in prison for Capitol storming - Retired Lt. Col. Larry Brock had been convicted in November on six charges: a felony count of obstruction of an official proceeding and five other misdemeanors. A felony charge may cause him to lose his retirement benefits which he more than earned.
Chaos ensues at House hearing on guns, Parkland victim’s father ejected and arrested - Manuel Oliver and his wife were both ejected from the hearing for outbursts. The activist's father also wound up getting arrested. The parents are strong advocates for gun control. You can hand over your guns if you want to and this piss-poor government of ours will enslave you…I’m keeping mine.
LGBT activists, parents sue Florida over gender transition ban for kids - Four families backed by multiple LGBT activist groups filed a federal lawsuit against Florida on Thursday, challenging its new rule banning gender transition procedures for minors. (Yeah Buddy - Sounds like the LGBT wants to have a gay ole fashion ass-whipping time with some of us parents).
An Unexpected Supreme Court Curveball Hits Democrats – The Climate Change hoax may be primed to take a severe blow from the Supreme Court of the United States of America and their heady usurpations over the free people, and it comes at a perfect time because the crazy Joe Biden administration just handed over our sovereignty to the United Nations.
Trojan Horse ‘Restrict’ Act Being Pushed Through Congress - Millions of good, patriotic Americans are worried about the power our communist Chinese enemies have over our systems of communication, and for good reason.
House Passes Republicans’ Signature Energy Reform Bill - The legislation, introduced by House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, includes permitting reform and rolls back several executive orders that limit domestic energy production. Democratic Texas Reps. Vicente Gonzalez and Henry Cuellar, Maine Rep. Jared Golden, and Washington Rep. Marie Glusenkamp Perez voted with 221 Republicans in supporting the package. Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick was the only Republican to oppose it.
THE FEDERALIST: Democrats’ Banana-Republic Persecution Of Donald Trump Must Meet A Republican Response - This is the equivalent of a nationally televised jaywalking arrest to humiliate a person due solely to personal hate. Where Republicans Stand On Transgender Insanity Should Be A Litmus Test For Their Political Futures - Banning the butchering of children is a litmus test for the GOP and several Republicans including the Wyoming governor have failed it. Aversion Therapy Is Back, And It’s Coming From The Trans Lobby - I’m as straight as one can be and I believe in (Normal) marriages, there are many who do not. Prescribing bodily harm as any kind of ‘solution’ for someone’s failure to conform to sex roles or stereotypes is wrong. With 3D Body-Image Avatars And Fake Voices For Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes To New Extremes - (Cut that thing off! Fill in that hole, what the heck it's only a game!) The project creates video game-like avatars with which people can envision specific body parts they want to target with surgery to make themselves look more masculine or feminine.
Theologians call for combat against secular globalism - War Against The World. Conservative Catholics are speaking out against secularism and globalism at a conference in Spain. Calling out the radical "gender ideology" being imposed on Christian nations by secular globalists. Gender ideology in rural Oregon - The radical Left is attacking a small-town Catholic mother of six in Oregon after she exposed grooming literature and gender ideology in her town. THE MARXIST MARCH - There is a commonly held expression, at least in political circles, that a conservative is nothing more than a liberal, just five years behind — true. When it comes to the great battles of our day, we need to realize that those driving the bus are the commies, the Marxists. They have almost total control of everything, including large parts of the Church.
NewsMax News: Trump Indictment Likely Wednesday; Arraignment Next Week - The Secret Service and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office will be coordinating the unprecedented arrest of the former president, a first in U.S. history, according to the report. DeSantis Unloads on Trump, Says to 'Stay Tuned' for 2024 Decision - “I get personnel in the government who have the agenda of the people and share our agenda," the governor said. "So, the way we run the government, I think, is no daily drama, focus on the big picture and put points on the board, and I think that's something that's very important."
American Military News: McCarthy says Iraq military authorizations will first go to House committee - “It’ll have to go through committee. … I think it has a good chance of one getting through the committee and getting to the floor,” McCarthy said. He also indicated he would support the repeal of the two Iraq AUMFs as long as a third one, a 2001 AUMF focused on terrorism, remains in place. Videos: Busloads of Chinese illegal immigrants released in Texas by Biden border agents - Journalist Jorge Ventura also shared a video on Twitter showing a group of Chinese nationals, all adult men, surrendering to U.S. officials after crossing the border illegally in Texas. How To Win The New Cold War With China: Restore Faith, Community, And Industry - We may have pretended history was over and that the nation-state no longer mattered. But China never got that memo. Youngkin Signs Bill Banning Unequal Restrictions On Virginia Places Of Worship During State Emergencies - Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed legislation on Sunday that prohibits government officials from imposing discriminatory restrictions on places of worship during state emergencies.
Also, be sure to follow us at - https://gab.com/PatriotOak
Robert Miller » Orbys.net - Social Media the way it's meant to be!
I am PatriotOak - Robert Miller
Founder Of -
The Patriot Brotherhood
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Your positivity is refreshing. https://medium.com/@jerryspivey_21970/is-solar-worth-it-in-north-dakota-2024-guide-d76d102afc1d
June 3, 2024
The Patriot Brotherhood
News Gazette Briefs-71
The People's Revolution
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” ― Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence.
When sworn into office, US lawmakers take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Our own government has broken its oath!
We are an off-branch of 'The Patriot Brotherhood'. We gather news from many different sources from around the world and share it with each of you in hopes of keeping you informed. We also publish here on the web 'The Patriot Brotherhood News-Gazette Briefs-The People's Revolution, We had planned on stopping the newsletter but no longer. We can not reach the number of people we should if we do so. Many of you have sent me word that you thought I was out of my mind but that’s okay because every nerve I hit means I must be doing something right so enjoy. You are invited to follow us at https://mewe.com/p/thepatriotbrotherhoodsdailynews or https://orbys.net/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/ or https://wimkin.com/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/wall/ and https://www.facebook.com/The.PatriotBrotherhoods.DailyNews
World Wide Freedom Rally - World Wide Freedom Rally is an international movement dedicated to the preservation of Freedom and Human Rights. Our team of independent local organizers supports our global event every two months: The World Wide Rally for Freedom.
We Support 5 Important Freedoms:
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Health
Freedom of Choice
There are those amongst the shadows that work to keep the children safe. Our government may not be willing to stop you from harming children…beware of the shadows.
Just because the crowned ‘Court Jester’, the biggest fool of them all is sitting in the oval office taking up space doesn’t mean we have to follow his lead and act like a fool on ‘April Fools Day’ Keep your right mind about you and stay safe.
Before you open your mouth, think…without these brave souls you wouldn’t be sitting back sucking down a cold one, smoking your joint, playing your Xbox, or reading this message. You would not be enjoying the freedom you have paid for with someone else's blood. Be respectful.
Lindsey Graham calls for US to shoot down Russian fighter jets - You can’t be serious! Anyone listening to this ass-wipe is a fool. War is not the answer at this time when Biden is still playing President.
Power grid attacks surge 71% in 2 years, likely to keep rising - (IF) all this isn’t an attack on us by our own government then perhaps they may think it helpful to either post armed guards at the power grids or offer those in control of these stations funding to hire guards to protect the power grids.
Video: Billionaire Carl Icahn says US system ‘breaking down’ - This is no accident! The Left (NWO) have been planning this for over 30 years. “He’s right that our system is breaking down,” Icahn said. “We absolutely have a major problem in our economy today.”
HUGE: “THEY LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING” – A 96-Page DC Police Report UNCOVERED – Shows Govt Knew MAGA Was Coming on Jan 6 and Entrapped Them ALL - They lied, we know they lied, they are attempting to cover it all up and we know that its a cover-up so where’s the surprise? Now do something about it!
Navy intel chief says average Americans are ‘naive,’ have ‘blindness’ on China threat - Only the WOKE is blind. Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence, made the remark on Feb. 15, Breaking Defense reported, at the height of the fallout over a Chinese spy balloon that flew over a large part of the U.S. before being shot down by fighter jets.
Red Cross giving migrants maps, instructions to cross US border - Is anyone else wondering how much Red Cross is being paid by our own government? The American Red Cross is involved with making a map and guide for migrants trekking to the U.S.-Mexico border, showing them routes from Central America to U.S. border cities and offering tips on how to survive the perilous journey.
Russia and China threaten to create global ‘danger and disorder,’ says Britain’s Sunak - (Red Dawn) - you good ole boys get stocked up and get ready. Britain cast China as representing an “epoch-defining challenge” to the world order, in an update to its foreign policy framework published on March 13 that declared that the U.K.’s security hinged on the outcome of the Ukraine war.
Major bank collapses; 2nd largest bank collapse in US history - Please tell me that you aren't believing that all this wasn't planned long ago, tell me that you aren't that stupid. In a statement, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation said it took over the bank on Friday and transferred all deposits to a newly-created bank. It's all about control.
A hearing on COVID’s origins spurs call for rules to curb risky virus research - Forgive me if I am wrong but shouldn’t this have been done to start with? The Trump administration’s top infectious disease official urged lawmakers during a hearing on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic to ban research that enhances a pathogen’s ability to spread or cause disease.
ATTORNEY GENERAL SEEKS TO MAKE WASHINGTON THE FIRST STATE WITH POLITICAL PRISONS - Washington’s Democrat Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, wants to be governor. He thinks the best way to accomplish his goal is to build gulags & psych hospitals, much like in Soviet Russia, and populate them with Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans. People are to watch history repeat itself.
https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/03/biden-budget-proposes-largest-military-pay-increase-in-decades/ - Our men and women need to make more money for risking their lives to protect this country but Biden could care less about any of them. Biden only attempting to buy votes in the 2024 election.
And they are stamped 'Made In China
NY court workers fired for refusing COVID vax must be rehired with back pay as state board scraps mandate - Think about this for a moment, they know without a doubt that they were in the wrong to get rid of workers who stood up for their rights otherwise they would never dream of doing this. We The People can and do make a difference. Under terms of the decision issued last month, the Unified Court System must immediately “cease and desist” from enforcing policies that require all non-judicial employees to be vaccinated or undergo regular testing.
New York Court Workers Fired for Refusing COVID Vax Must Be Rehired, Given Back Pay - According to the ruling, court workers “who lost accrued leave, compensation or employment” must be compensated, including back pay with interest paid “at the maximum legal rate.”
Department of Homeland Security Runs Secret Domestic Intelligence Program - The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been secretly operating a domestic intelligence program called the “Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program,” according to an investigation by Politico. The program allows officials to interview Americans, including those in prison and jail, and illegal immigrants in detention centers, without the presence of their lawyers.
Two of the four Americans kidnapped after a shootout in Mexico were found dead - The third victim is wounded, and the fourth is alive and apparently unharmed, reporter Claudio Ochoa Huerta tweeted on Tuesday morning
Video: Border Patrol chief testifies DHS does not have ‘operational control’ over US border - When Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) asked Ortiz during a congressional hearing if the Department of Homeland Security has “operational control of our entire border,” Ortiz replied, “No, sir.”
THE FEDERALIST: SPLC Attorney Arrested On Domestic Terror Charges In Atlanta - One of the individuals arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for his role in helping to launch a coordinated and violent attack against Atlanta law enforcement on Sunday purportedly works for the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Democrats’ Climate Lawfare Campaign Jeopardizes America’s Energy Future - Climate activists use the courts as a weapon to attack large energy companies — essentially leveraging the legal system as a proxy to win a war of public opinion. How House Weaponization Committee Republicans Can Get The Most From Their ‘Twitter Files’ Witnesses - Most committee hearings flounder because politicians waste time grandstanding, but lawmakers shouldn’t squander the chance to ask insightful questions of the ‘Twitter Files’ witnesses.
What sex abuse? - In-Depth Report, Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb looks at Pope Francis' track record on clergy sex abuse. Battling Chemical Abortion - Church Militant sits down with Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins to learn more about the organization's strategic focus in a post-Roe America. She explains chemical abortions and their danger to babies, women and the nation's water supply. CHRISTIAN COLLEGES IN BED WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD - Planned Parenthood's ethic of death has permeated nearly every American institution, including higher education. The organization strategically locates its so-called clinics near university campuses. Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb reports on the abortion giant's grip on Christian colleges. Is America ready for a post-Roe world? - Students for Life of America followed up the 49th annual March for Life with a full day of pro-life training. The potential for a post-Roe world has created an increased focus on increasing state-level activism.
NewsMax News: Jan. 6 Video: Police Escorted 'QAnon Shaman' to Senate Door - The footage, aired by Fox News's Tucker Carlson Monday night, shows the officers closely following Chansley through the halls of the Capitol as he walked around in his Viking-horned hat and face paint, reports the New York Post. Biden Seeks Medicare Changes, Higher Tax Rate in New Budget - The Medicare tax rate would rise from 3.8% to 5% on income exceeding $400,000 per year, including salaries and capital gains. Trump Campaign Slams Manhattan DA: 'The Latest Witch-Hunt' - "The latest Witch-Hunt is being brought on by George Soros-backed Radical Left Democrat prosecutor Alvin Bragg," the campaign said of the Manhattan prosecutor. House GOP Urges Biden Action to Disrupt Growing China-Russia Bond - While it may not be in our best interest for these two countries to work together, where do we get off acting like the bully on the playground and forcing our will on others?
American Military News: Ex-soldier infiltrated Army for Satanist neo-Nazis, plotted deadly ambush - Ethan Melzer – a 24-year-old man of Louisville, Kentucky – was sentenced to 45 years in prison on Friday after pleading guilty to the plot in June, according to a Justice Department press release. ‘Happy, blessed, amazed’: Disabled veteran and family given a free home near Madison - A group of about 50 people were waiting to show Honda their appreciation, complete with a red carpet rolled from the house’s attached garage to the street. About a dozen first responders stayed for the ceremony, during which the American flag waved from a firetruck ladder as the National Anthem was sung. Pics/vids: Mystery dust falls from sky in 3 states; samples tested - A mysterious dust fell from the sky in multiple states late in February, drawing an uncertain response from officials and baffling local residents, who shared photos of cars covered in a fine powder. (This is nothing new. I noticed something in the air over a year ago. Someone beside has finally noticed.) Federal charges possible for 23 arrested at Atlanta training center site, FBI says - Investigators with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation charged 23 people with domestic terrorism after dozens dressed in all black threw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at officers at the site of a planned training facility, Atlanta police said Monday. Tucker Carlson hates Trump ‘passionately,’ he said in text message - “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait,” Carlson texted an unidentified recipient shortly before 11 p.m., according to the filing. Iowa City Council approves $240,000 grant application for armored rescue vehicle - Police Chief Rex Mueller told the council the Lenco G3 Bearcat Armored Rescue Vehicle would replace the surplus military truck the department currently has.
Also, be sure to follow us at - https://gab.com/PatriotOak
Robert Miller » Orbys.net - Social Media the way it's meant to be!
I am PatriotOak - Robert Miller
Founder Of -
The Patriot Brotherhood
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The Patriot Brotherhood
News Gazette Briefs-70
The People's Revolution
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” ― Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence.
When sworn into office, US lawmakers take an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Our own government has broken its oath!
We are an off-branch of 'The Patriot Brotherhood'. We gather news from many different sources from around the world and share it with each of you in hopes of keeping you informed. We also publish here on the web 'The Patriot Brotherhood News-Gazette Briefs-The People's Revolution, Which will slowly be phased out sometime in 2023 or so are the plans. Until then, enjoy. You are invited to follow us at https://mewe.com/p/thepatriotbrotherhoodsdailynews or https://orbys.net/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/ or https://wimkin.com/the-patriot-brotherhood-s-daily-news/wall/ and https://xephula.com/pages/ThePatriotBrotherhoodsDailyNews
America Mission - This is a work in progress and could use the help of as serious-minded people as possible to make this mission a success. American Mission is a political movement focused on protecting our God-given rights and the Constitution. America Mission was founded by Dustin Stockton, Jennifer Lawrence, and many other prominent Twitter Spaces hosts. https://twitter.com/DustinStockton
Speculation Mounts Liz Cheney May Run in 2024 as ‘Dark Horse’ Candidate - Former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney suffered a brutal defeat in her primary last August and has officially left office. As speculation mounts that she may make a run for the White House in 2024. (As crazy as this may sound to some of you, Cheneyif she runs a good chance of winning (rigged election) just to smear in Trump's face.)
BREAKING: Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Declassify All Docs Related to the Origins of COVID - The bill is called the COVID-19 Origin Transparency Act. They believe knowing the truth about the origins of the pandemic and that declassifying intelligence will help in preventing future pandemics.(The truth of the matter is, world leaders, pull the wool over nearly everyone’s eyes and almost got away with it.)
Toronto’s Pearson airport says it’s imposing new limits on flights this March break and summer to reduce delays - So now it begins…The Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA), which operates Toronto Pearson International Airport, said in an email that it will also cap the number of passengers that can arrive internationally or depart to the United States through each terminal in a given hour.
Hunter's Lawyers QUIT! DOJ Declare They WILL PROSECUTE Biden Family as WHISTLEBLOWERS Scream Out! - Let's all see what becomes of this shall we?
Dan Bongino: New Hospitalization Numbers Show Devastating Danger from JABS
Bill Gates, long recognized as one of the world’s foremost proponents of vaccines, raised some eyebrows at a recent talk in Australia when he admitted there are “problems” with current COVID-19 vaccines.
Biden vows to ban assault weapons 'come hell or high water' - Let us not make any mistakes, Biden or rather those pulling his strings honestly believe that they can simply order us to give up our weapons - it is not happening. As humans, we watch out for number one and we protect those we love. You will not take our weapons.
Whistleblower Reveals How the Corrupt FBI is Using a “Threat Tag” to Target Pro-Lifers as Domestic Threats – FBI Retaliated By Suspending Him - The FBI’s war against Christians and pro-lifers goes even deeper than previously believed. Fox News on Thursday reported FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle told the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the FBI created a threat tag after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year. The FBI then used this tag to target pro-life Americans as domestic threats.
Tucker: “We Got All The January 6th Footage - You Have Been LIED To!” - Tucker Carlson was given access to 41,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Capitol on January 6th by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and says he will start to release the TRUTH next week. Stay tuned!
KJP is Baffled That Governor Would Ban Public Drag Shows & Transgender Surgery for Children - “Tennessee’s governor signed two anti-LGBTQ bills on Thursday, one that bans drag performances from taking place on public property, another ban most gender-affirming care to transgender youth. What does the White House make of these laws? And is there anything you can do or planning to do about these laws,” a reporter asked.
Remember our history, know from where we came from and what we had to do to get where we are right now. Remember when men were men and women were women and damn proud of who they were. Twice every year we reset time either forward or backward, lets us turn the hands of time back to a time when we were a proud nation and those within our government gave a damn.
Get ready to change your clocks. What to know about daylight saving time. Do we really need Day Light Saving Time and why do we do it?
Daylight saving time will start on Sunday, March 12, 2023, at 2 a.m. Why does daylight saving time exist? daylight saving time is related to transportation and labor...why when people work around the clock 7 days a week. Transportation is but an excuse and a lame one at that. The time change was originally introduced by Germany during World War I in 1918 “to conserve fuel and power by extending daylight hours,” It is no longer 1918. Over 100 years have passed and still, we are changing our clock twice a year. Tell me rather you think it actually conserved even one gallon of fuel or not. There are still 24 hours in a day. It matters little when that day starts and ends.
The United States put the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) in charge of overseeing the time change “to assist in the war effort.” Is this the reason we won the war against the Germans, No I don't think so either. Once again legislation has been reintroduced making daylight saving time permanent and putting a stop to all the confusion the insane clock switching. "Changing the clock twice a year is outdated and unnecessary,"
The change would help enable children to play outdoors later and reduce seasonal depression, according to supporters. Critics say the change would force millions of schoolchildren to go to classes in the dark for part of the year. (People really, we are talking about the difference of an hour.) Some sleep experts say daylight savings time makes it harder to be alert in the morning. (Our bodies have this wonderful skill to reset themselves. I feel that America should after this coming time change remain permanently. Like the current President, it may at some point had its purpose but no longer.
UPDATE: Several Doctors in Jan 2020 Told Fauci COVID Was Leaked from a Lab – Then They Switched Their Opinion After Speaking with Fauci and Received MILLIONS in NIH Funding - It’s a no-brainer that it came from a lab. I mean at this point it’s impossible to acquire any more information and if you did it would only be affirmative. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that Scripps virologist Christian Anderson was also awarded over 16 million in grants and funding after changing his stance on the COVID lab leak after speaking with Dr. Fauci. (Can we actually trust doctors?)
There are those amongst the shadows that work to keep the children safe. Our government may not be willing to stop you from harming children…beware of the shadows.
THE FEDERALIST: If The Dominion Defamation Lawsuit Is A Slam Dunk, Why Are CNN And The New York Times Lying About It? - As gleefully told by CNN and the Times, new legal documents prove that prominent Fox executives and primetime hosts knew that allegations from Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign advisers about machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems corrupting the 2020 election were false, but repeated them to the Fox audience as true anyway. If The ERA Is So Great For Women, Why Would It Hurt Moms The Most? - If passed, the Equal Rights Amendment will eradicate protections that mothers have come to depend on in both the public and private sectors. The Sex-Ed Industrial Complex Revolves Around Planned Parenthood And Is Fueled By Your Tax Dollars - Planned Parenthood, as we show in our new report from the Claremont Institute, carefully controls and coordinates the entire policymaking process to promote its goal of the sexual revolution. Critical Race Theory Teaches Kids To Hate Each Other, And The Proof Is On The Playground - Aside from the critical race theory lessons at all levels in Fairfax County Public Schools, student groups work with the district’s several “equity officers” to present racially divisive material to their peers. CRT has No place in our lives much less in our schools. Leave our children alone. Virginia AG Probes Mounting Religious Discrimination Cases After Hospital Revoked Covid Jab Exemptions - (Get The Hell Over It Already - Move On). a significant amount of caregiver experience Inova Loudoun Hospital leadership was willing to fire based on rejected or revoked religious exemptions.
VORIS COMMENTS ON HAWLEY SENATE HEARING - Michael Voris comments on the approach of Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., who grilled U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland about anti-Catholic bias in the U.S. Department of Justice. ‘WATCH YOUR TONE!’ - The Left is tone-obsessed. There is a time and place for everything. Biden continues to do nothing - Church Militant sits down with pro-life activist Rebecca Kiessling about the U.S. fentanyl crisis. Kiessling lost two sons to the drug and recently spoke about it before Congress. She also relays the horrors of the U.S. border crisis, which has caused the fentanyl epidemic that Joe Biden and other Democrats refuse to rectify. Should Catholicism be integrated into public law and policy? - In the last few months, traditional Catholics have come under scrutiny from both the government and mainstream media outlets. Churches of every kind are feeling the crunch. Our government and our media are erasing or trying to rid the world of godly values.
NewsMax News: Shark Tank's O'Leary Says AOC 'Great At Killing Jobs' - Kevin O'Leary, a star of the TV show "Shark Tank" and a multimillionaire Canadian businessman, ripped into U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Friday, saying her opposition to Amazon building a regional headquarters in New York City cost the city thousands of jobs. Trump Congratulates Kellyanne on Divorce - "Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway," Trump wrote on his Truth Social page Friday. "Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck." Ex-Army Private Gets 45 Years for Plot Against His Unit - A former U.S. Army private from Kentucky who was devoted to a violent extremist group seeking to erode or destroy Western civilization was sentenced to a maximum of 45 years in prison Friday for plotting a murderous terrorist attack on his paratrooper unit. Trump Attorney Reappointed to Wisconsin Judicial Panel - An attorney for former President Donald Trump who worked to overturn his loss in battleground Wisconsin has been reappointed by the state Supreme Court's four conservative justices to a second term on a committee that advises judges on judicial conduct. GOP Bill Would Ban Abortion-Related Travel Pay for Service Members - Legislation introduced Friday by House Republicans would prohibit service members from getting reimbursed for travel related to abortion,
American Military News: AOC ethics investigation results: ‘substantial’ reason to believe she broke federal law - There is “substantial reason to believe” that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accepted impermissible gifts from her attendance at the 2021 Met Gala, possibly in violation of federal law. An Idaho man had 187 child porn images on his phone. He’ll spend years in prison - In April 2021, the Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children task force received a tip that David Daniel Lynn Bowden possessed child pornography. Pentagon panel says military should stop selling guns, ammo to troops under 25 years old - (With either parents john hancock, a people can join the arm forces at the age of 17. That man or woman is asked to defend our country, to go to war if need be and Pentagon has the nerve to suggest that people can’t buy a weapon until the age of 25 - screw that!) United Nations calls for ‘global guidelines’ to combat ‘disinformation’ on social media - “The blurring of boundaries between true and false, the highly-organized denial of scientific facts, the amplification of disinformation and conspiracies – these did not originate on social networks. But, in the absence of regulation, they flourish there much better than the truth,”
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