

Erika Blas
The #CapitolPolice were ill prepared because of #NancyPelosi. #PresidentDonaldJTrump offered her 5,000 #NationalGuard members to secure the #Capitol & she turned down his offer. Why would he offer to ... View More
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Erika Blas
#TrumpSupporters are not #Terrorists. The deranged #Leftwing are.
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Erika Blas
#WhiteHouse Adviser: ‘#Hate Filled’ #TrumpSupporters Have ‘No Place’ in #Biden's ‘#Democracy' https://valiantnews.com/2022/09/top-biden-adviser-hate-filled-trump-supporters-have-no-place-in-democracy/
Erika Blas
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
Jon McNaughton art: Trump never goes down without a fight! From my painting "All-American Trump." Learn the stories about the paintings at mcnaughtonfreebook.com/2020 #mcnaughtonart #conservative... View More
Likely members of the far-left #Antifa network and the #BlackLivesMatter movement were captured on video assaulting #TrumpSupporters in #Washington on Saturday. As the assaults took place, the surrou... View More
Several thousand #TrumpSupporters gathered at a “#StopTheSteal” rally in #Nevada on Nov. 14. The rally was one of more than 50 similar events held across the US on the same day. https://t.co/xmqcOcy5... View More
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