

Erika Blas
The #CapitolPolice were ill prepared because of #NancyPelosi. #PresidentDonaldJTrump offered her 5,000 #NationalGuard members to secure the #Capitol & she turned down his offer. Why would he offer to ... View More
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Jess Sosnoski
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VALORTEC / Firearms & Tactical Training Florida
Testing some bulletproof vest / body armor @mcarmorcompany @volusiacountygunclub @womenworkfinghard Book your class now and learn from professional that have survived some of the most dangerous places... View More
Donald Hogue
Millions of #Americans are over paying $60 Billion dollars every year for basic service we all use. Wouldn't you like to pay less for your reoccurring monthly bills? visit: coachdon.justviv.com ... View More
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
??HUGE BREAKING NEWS!!?? "We watermarked every ballot" #POTUS #sting #chess #blockchain #security #mousetrap #Pieczenik #arrests https://youtu.be/Hf0vdsyceHw
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