

Erika Blas
The #CapitolPolice were ill prepared because of #NancyPelosi. #PresidentDonaldJTrump offered her 5,000 #NationalGuard members to secure the #Capitol & she turned down his offer. Why would he offer to ... View More
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Erika Blas
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Jean Millburg
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Jean Millburg
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Robert farrow
Watch till the end . #Capitol The woman is egging the people to breach the Capitol . https://t.co/hsVbBuyGpv
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Wendy Ward
When was this
Like January 15, 2021
Tammy E Allen
Yeap it was a setup!
Like January 15, 2021
Anita Larkin
I smell something fishy here... Patriots watch out.
Like January 15, 2021
Anita Larkin
I bet the Nancy bought their MAGA stuff so they would start trouble and look like Trump followers
Like January 15, 2021
The Free Thought Project
If you were silent when BLM rioters burned DC last June but outraged about MAGA supporters storming Capitol hill yesterday, you might be a victim of divide and conquer... P.S. We support neither. ... View More
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
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