

PR Republican Assembly
Puerto Rico Republican Assembly Officially endorses former President Donald J Trump for his candidacy for President 2024. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain # DonaldJTrump2021 #SaveAmerica
Puerto Rico Republican Assembly
Puerto Rico Republican Assembly Officially endorses former President Donald J Trump for his candidacy for President 2024 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #SaveAmerica #Trump2024
Deborah Diaz
Victoria Nicodemus
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Roxie Scott
Your post was so Awesome!! ? i honestly was like you , after Obama, i was like , this country is in a really sad shape. I knew that i was not voting for Hilliary. Even though the pastor i was currently following had claimed God was schemeing to get her in. I was suspcious bc that is the word he used... View More
Like November 21, 2020
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William Woodsman
If you are undecided which pistol to conceal carry, here is a list of good possibilities. Remember make sure you get a gun, shotgun or AR to protect yourself, your family and the 2A. Train, Practice,... View More
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William Woodsman
Desde la República Argentina, me alegra saber que hay algunas redes sociales que no han caído en las garras de la izquierda. Tengo varios perfiles en Facebook completamente bloqueados solo por expresa... View More
William Woodsman
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