

CH4M3L30N C0D3
Erika Blas
China releases a 12 point plan for peace in Ukraine. WOW. They are playing world leader now. What will Biden say? He is up to his arse w Ukraine and also w China. Lets see the next Corruption act of... View More
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Golok Z Buday
Alicia Curry
The Cult Of Black Supremacys Purge: 3God, The Profit Of Doom, Patrick Lyoya, and Brian Benjamin! #title42 #buildthatwall #donttreadonme #bidenflation #grandrapidspd #patricklyoya #midterms #maga #lawa... View More
Alicia Curry
Alicia Curry
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David Soto
Follow the money! #Corruption #Deception #Lies #Pandemic University That Funds Biden's Think Tank And Hosts FactCheck.org Has Contract With BioNTech, Gets Paid For Vaccine Sales And FDA Approvals | ... View More
Cynthia Donate
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David Soto
And we are told by the democrats this is conspiracy theory. #ElectionFraud2020 #Corruption
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