

Erika Blas
Damon Gang
Noticias de Los Estados Unidos y el mundo..en Español
La madre de una niña de 11 años que se suicidó el año pasado demandó a la empresa matriz de Facebook, Meta, y a la empresa de redes sociales Snap, alegando que son responsables de la muerte de su hija... View More
This new workout is awesome. Its short, only 20 mins. Convenient for the busy people. And more importantly it works. if you are interested please comment below or send me a Message and we will talk ... View More
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Today I did 2 Workouts. Shoulder, Arms & Legs. For the Second workout I did it on the stationary bike. Burned 486 calories. . . #abs #yoga #instagram #goals #strength #life #follow #running #fitness... View More
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Cynthia Donate
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Erika Blas
#ElonMusk dropping some truth bombs about #Instagram
The Free Thought Project
#Instagram has once again shadow banned our 3rd account in 3 months! They can delete us but they can't stop us. We won't be silenced. Give us a follow, because F*** censorship, that's why! TFTP.V3: h... View More
Joy Rene
True Testimony From A Friend

I am a mother of 12. Yes, all mine by my high school sweetheart and I delivered them all. I tell you this for reference. My body has been through a lot. I also have P T S... View More
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Huffinglue Post
Un-fucking-believable #instagram, how fucking stupid are your people? #COVID19 #HuffingluePost #HuffGlu #BranchCOVIDIAN #COVID1984 If your going to pretend this COVID crap isn't propaganda, stop prote... View More
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