

Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents: Patriot Wednesdays. America Fights Back Against The Globalist Gun Ban! #queenmaatgirltv #ElisjahDicken #GreenWoodMallShooting #fastandfurious #guncontrol #joebiden #maga #Tr... View More
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Jerry kruger
Like July 21, 2022
Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Gun Ban Blitzkrieg, Robert Crimo III Three Times The Charm! #robertcrimo #TheRapper #HighlandParkMassShooting #GunControl #MAGA Trump2024
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Jerry kruger
and he was a leftest, so they had to move on to other stories
Like July 7, 2022
Jerry kruger
yep take out that evil satin stone
Like July 7, 2022
Jerry kruger
about time someone took that evil out
Like July 7, 2022
Erika Blas
Let's pass more #GunControl #Laws be ause we all know criminals, fellowship, drug dealers & all sorts of bad guys follow the leas of the land.
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
It's funny, I was thinking, this was what Joe Manchin was building up Political Capital with Republicans for. https://odysee.com/@RazorFist:1/what%27s-really-behind-red-flag-laws:2?r=J9ivTNS6AwLz5ArrP... View More
Alicia Curry
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Jerry kruger
true true true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like June 7, 2022
Golok Z Buday
Alicia Curry
Golok Z Buday
Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays: Ethan Klein The Leftist Anti American Double Standard! #infowars #ethanklein #globalists #guncontrol #enslavement #freedom #maga #queenmaatgirltv #hatespeec... View More
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