Queen Ma'at Girl Presents: Patriot Wednesdays. America Fights Back Against The Globalist Gun Ban! #queenmaatgirltv #ElisjahDicken #GreenWoodMallShooting #fastandfurious #guncontrol #joebiden #maga #Tr... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays. America Strikes Back Against The Global Gun Ban Agenda
Join us for another epic freedom lovers panel. America is winning against the globalist radical left deep state cabal gun ban! Johnathan Sapirman was a total loser, and the fake news wont harp on this incident because a American patriotic hero stopped the gunman, and saved countless lives! Lets also control the narrative patriots as we investigate these false flag shootings, or the globalists will!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #JohnathanSapirman #AmericaStrikesBack
Operation Fast And Furious: Obamas Bloodiest Scandal. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13435637-fast-and-furious
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Jerry kruger
July 21, 2022
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: The Gun Ban Blitzkrieg, Robert Crimo III Three Times The Charm! #robertcrimo #TheRapper #HighlandParkMassShooting #GunControl #MAGA Trump2024
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents Patriot Wednesdays: Op. Gun Ban Blitzkrieg, Robert Crimo 3 Times The Charm
Join the freedom lovers panel as we discuss the ongoing leftist federal operation gun ban blitzkrieg. A scenario I warned would go state to state across Amer...
Iván Ramos Toretto and Jerry kruger like this.
Let's pass more #GunControl
#Laws be ause we all know criminals, fellowship, drug dealers & all sorts of bad guys follow the leas of the land.
Police: Man drops a loaded gun, 1,000 fentanyl pills outside Virginia McDonald's
A Virginia man faces a long list of gun and drug charges following a situation outside a Stafford McDonald
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https://www.theepochtimes.com/rcmp-commissioner-wanted-ns-tragedy-firearms-publicized-to-get-support-for-liberals-gun-control-bill-document-says_4549203.html?utm_sourc... View More
RCMP Commissioner Wanted Firearms Used in NS Mass Killing Publicized to Get Support for Liberals' Gun Control Bill, Document Says
A document released by the inquiry into the 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia shows RCMP Commissioner Brenda ...
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It's funny, I was thinking, this was what Joe Manchin was building up Political Capital with Republicans for. https://odysee.com/@RazorFist:1/what%27s-really-behind-red-flag-laws:2?r=J9ivTNS6AwLz5ArrP... View More
What's REALLY Behind Red Flag Laws
Razör on Unauthorized TV:
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Black America The Jig Is Up For You, Your Handlers, and The Victim Narrative!
#leonnaHale #FalseFlags #globalism #midterms #rougegovernment #tyranny #guncontrol #gunban #cannadagunban #1984 #infowars... View More
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#2a #gunrights #armsrights #guncontrol #theview https://odysee.com/@YoungRippa59:a/this-is-an-incredibly-stupid-woman:5?r=J9ivTNS6AwLz5ArrPqU9NC3HJfzpqe9L
This is an incredibly stupid woman
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The Gun Ban Blitzkrieg: A Special 8 Hour Emergency Broadcast! #infowars #alexjones #miketyson #falseflags #coverups #war #deception #maga #trump #queenmaatgirltv #guncontrol #tulsaoklahomashooting #uv... View More
The Gun Ban Blitzkrieg: A Special 8 Hour Emergency Broadcast!
Join us on the front lines of black central command for our most epic, great and mighty work yet! I intend to expose the shadow government, deep state behind Joe Biden and the agenda 2030 globalists total gun ban, once and for all!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #GunControl #TulsaOklahomaShooting #FalseFlag
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#GunControl #2a #cdnpoli
Evil pieces of trash
Support and become a website mack at https://ericdjuly.com
Follow the entertainment channel over at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSFD56YY5pcR18lZZGT0img
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Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays: Ethan Klein The Leftist Anti American Double Standard! #infowars #ethanklein #globalists #guncontrol #enslavement #freedom #maga #queenmaatgirltv #hatespeec... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Presents White Wednesdays. Ethan Klein The Leftist Anti American Double Standard!
Join the freedom lovers panel as we discuss Ethan Klein a anti American leftist traitor who supports a ban on the second amendment, and the NRA! Lets send a brave message to the liberal traitors attempting to aid the corrupt Biden administration in banning our guns, and enslave us under the new world order takeover!
#QueenMaatGirlTv #EthanKlein @Ethan Klein #NRA
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