

Golok Z Buday
The fault with any digital currency is not everyone is even on a computer, or wants to be, what are going to force an online technocratic existence on everyone? #cdnpoli
Libertarian Party of Can
Make 2023 the year that you stop watching your rights and freedoms slip away and start pushing back. More than anything, liberty needs Canadians willing to donate their time and energy to the cause.... View More
Golok Z Buday
Gölök Z Buday
The courts have ruled the individual rights abuses in Ottawa were justified. A kin to our APEC era as Sgt Pepper walked free as most RCMP violating people or used to. Another Liberal Government overr... View More
Golok Z Buday
Not bad, still think it would be way more independent if Provinces checked National work and Counties/Cities reviewed Provinces' criminal mistakes. #cdnpoli https://www.theepochtimes.com/liberals-intr... View More
The Black Jester
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
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