by on December 27, 2023
  The most dangerous and widespread violence in the modern world relates to crimes committed against the life and health of people with the use of cold weapons, especially firearms. In terms of their killing effects and hidden methods of use, the latter and explosive devices can be inferior only to chemical, bacteriological, and radiation impacts on people. However, these substances are less accessible, more protected, and their distribution is not only prosecuted under national laws, but als...
65 views 0 likes
by on October 22, 2020
Why I Am Voting ?       That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”...
412 views 22 likes
by on March 8, 2021
Find a quiet, comfortable spot, grab your favorite beverage and delve into some reading I hope you find "enlightening" and should not be taken lightly.  The first article linked covers a lot about Gates and the Gates Foundation, all valuable information.  Gates Fatal Philanthropy No skimming please I have highlighted some of call-outs - and added a couple of my own. However it’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. ...
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by on January 5, 2021
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident:          --That all men are created equal      ...
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by on January 28, 2021
The protestors march and attempt to virtually burn Senator Josh Hawley and others at the stake. I wish it did surprise me that logic and reason continue to not stand a chance in this volatile atmosphere. What happened at the White House on January 6th, 2021, was needless and ruined the last chance of making a constitutional effort to finally bring to light to the nation the evidence of voting irre...
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by on March 12, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has condemned the bestowing of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Rush Limbaugh on the grounds that he is a “violent racist”. Limbaugh, even if some of the things he has said over the decades were of questionable taste, has never advocated acts of violence. That is more than can be said of those that Ocasio-Cortez associates herself with such as Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, and Ilhan Omar who dismissed 9/11 as some people just doing something. ...
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by on April 3, 2020
First, full disclosure, I have followed the TheGreatAwakening, QAnon, etc. phenom since the beginning in November of 2017. I have watched most of the bigger name Q decoders and their takes on what Q is ‘actually’ saying. ...
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by on April 3, 2023
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-72  The People's Revolution ...
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by on July 31, 2020
Regarding racial reconciliation, it was said in a sermon that the church must consist of a variety of political opinions in order to provide hope to the world. So just how much compromise must a congregation exhibit in this regard? Is it enough for a church to admit that some will vote for Trump because they have concluded that he is the best option available among a limited selection and that some will not vote for him because his personal shortcomings are too profound? ...
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by on September 22, 2020
When I voted for Obama I wanted change. I thought that MAYBE he could bring that change. At the end of Obama’s second term, things were such a mess, I was out of hope that any politician would be any different, and had decided to NOT vote anymore at all. Then our senior pastor at church began preaching on the importance of the CHRISTIAN VOTE! He would never say who he was voting for, but rather he humbly encouraged each member to ask God for themselves, what He thought. So as a church we ...
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by on October 13, 2020
There is a social annihilation occurring across communities throughout the United States, however, for the purposes of this series, I will only be focusing on the social disintegration in the black community and the perils of losing vital systems that establish and ground us as a people. When measuring the changes to the social structure of the black community, I am specifically examining these changes based upon alterations to religious belief systems (practicing of faith); negative influences ...
193 views 4 likes
by on October 28, 2020
The Samaritan Woman: So, I was led to this story a few weeks ago and started taking notes on it. This was not my first time reading the story in fact I thought I knew it well but God wanted to show me I actually knew very little about it. So, he opened my eyes and started to show me some truths about it and how it applies to not only my life but the world around us. So, let's go ahead and dive right in. First, I would like to start off with some truths about what Jesus is doing and also som...
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