

Samuel Saldana
Here Rabbi Glazerson speaks about the dates of the #Messiah: https://youtu.be/0JHEoeborGk
Samuel Saldana
Rabbi Glazerson on target again. Talking about Israel's election and the ties to the #Messiah ben Yishai [son Jesse] El rabino Glazerson volvió a marcar. Hablando sobre la elección de Israel y los ví... View More
Samuel Saldana
My take on the #Q Movement and the #Anons HaShem (God) & ShilohMessiah send them- born in the "#LastDays" in the #BibleCode "Q" is only one part a greater movement of the "Great Awakening" one compo... View More
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Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
I wonder if anyone out there in the internet world would be listening to me these past years about the Immaru Star System coming into our solar system. It is now here! The Bible refers to when this "... View More
Samuel Saldana
My newest video: Lilith Moves Seducing Men & Murdering Children #BibleCode. Not many know that Lilith was Adam's first wife and besides teaching Torah in the womb, but she chooses to be a seducer of m... View More
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Samuel Saldana
Here is another one of Rabbi Glazerson Bible Codes. I always say if you want to know what the #messiah ? is going to be doing in the future, check Rabbis Glazerson Bible Codes he has a pretty good inc... View More
Samuel Saldana
I love Rabbi Glazerson. I always say if you want to know what the #messiah is going to be doing in the future, check Rabbis Glazerson Bible Codes he has a pretty good inclination as to what is happen... View More
Samuel Saldana
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