

Samuel Saldana
Temple Mount.... my fathers' house. #HouseOfDavid #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
I just uploaded a new video about Pope, Rome and the Vatican on Brighteon.com. I have always said the church was Satanic... and how they had a secret agenda! Let the pope tell you! #Shiloh_ZemahBenYis... View More
Samuel Saldana
Today I am going to give you the possibility of seeing the future. If the Nazis try to arrest President Trump... the gig is up..It's to try to start a civil war in the USA... it will fail! #shiloh_ze... View More
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Samuel Saldana
I just uploaded a new video about Pope, Rome and the Vatican. I have always said the church was Satanic... and how they had a secret agenda! Let the pope tell you! #Shiloh_ZemahBenYishai https://yout... View More
Samuel Saldana
The #BibleCode hints that some Medical Beds will be able to cure the COVID Vaccination Jab in the future. Better hope and pray I am right. But If you ask me it's a Mass Extinction Event! #Shiloh_Zem... View More
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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Samuel Saldana
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