

Samuel Saldana
You still think this is just a #Q, #Anon #Trump #MessiahKingCyrus #JFKjr #PrincessDiana and all involved ... is just a normal thing? .... think? who sent Trump, who sent the #Anons... we are in the "... View More
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Samuel Saldana
My take on the #Q Movement and the #Anons HaShem (God) & ShilohMessiah send them- born in the "#LastDays" in the #BibleCode "Q" is only one part a greater movement of the "Great Awakening" one compo... View More
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Samuel Saldana
I woke up this morning to the news about two of my videos #JFKAlive and #JFKjr #BibleCodes being confirmed by the video below. Youtube took down my JFKAlive Bible code because it violated their stand... View More
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
#JFK Alive #BibleCode After getting a hint from a stealth #JFKjr account on Twatter [I believe he is on there secretly]. The information that JFK was not killed in Dallas, Texas in 1963, but it was a ... View More
Samuel Saldana
Juan O Savin is #JFKjr #BibleCode
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Samuel Saldana
Samuel Saldana
#JFKjr is a master of disguise.
Samuel Saldana
#JFKjr is a master of disguise.
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