Publish Date: September 11, 2020
Global Skywatch
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Global Skywatch
August 10 Overnight We had another milder-than-usual night of spraying with an unusually steady intensity of 7.75- throughout the night. This is unusual because we had no discrete plumes, just stead... View More
Global Skywatch
Global Skywatch
We had a great conversation. This Spokesmodel is telling the truth about what is happening above our heads. Nicolette has worked as a Professional Spokesmodel across the USA for 20 years. She has use... View More
Global Skywatch
Global Skywatch
Global Skywatch
Global Skywatch
Overnight: Up until about 4:30 am, the air intensity was maintained in a narrow intensity range between 7.25+ and 7.5-. After 4:30 am, we were hit by plume every 90 minutes with a 15 minute tolerance:... View More
Global Skywatch
Link to Article with video: http://globalskywatch.com/stories/my-chemtrail-story/chemtrail-information/chemtrails-killed-the-bees.html#HidingInsectDecline From 2005 to 2010, spraying was most intens... View More
Global Skywatch
After experiencing mercury symptoms surge at the same time as the taste/odor of chemtrails in the air, I did this test and guess what I found: http://globalskywatch.com/chemtrails/ubbthreads.php?ubb=s... View More
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