2.3k+ Total views
Kelly JJ
Thanks for the update!
Like April 24, 2021
Vincent Williams
Good to know!
Like April 24, 2021
Jean Millburg
Thanks for keeping us users informed. Your platform and social media site I still like the best by far.
Like April 25, 2021 Edited
Yes, long time
Like April 29, 2021
2.4k+ Total views
Milisa barry
We, really appreciate All You do... Don't WORRY ABOUT WHAT THEY SAY!???. Yes, Clouthub is squashing us now too... Can only share a few items an hour...
Like February 28, 2021
Milisa barry
YAHOOOO??? YOU HAVE GOT THISSSS!! It's gonna be FABULOUS... I ❤️it at Orby’s.
Like February 28, 2021
Milisa barry
Like February 28, 2021
Gracias por el esfuerzo
Like March 5, 2021
Give it time, there are plenty of people that are looking for all platforms so they are not censored.
Like March 8, 2021
Sheldon Poeling
Having some issues with the "Chat" window, it won't finish loading, just spins. I sent a message, but because it never finishes loading, I cannot see if you reply. It automatically pops-up on any page... View More
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2.8k+ Total views
Pedro Turner
Is Orbys in any way tied to Wimkin?
Like September 10, 2020
Sheldon Poeling
I "heard" the guy that started WimKin (Jason) used to be involved (in some way) with the development of Orbys. The two are very similar in design, but Wimkin is having problems (possibly Security related) my account that I started just a few days ago got wiped out. And this is after Fascistbook dele... View More
Like September 10, 2020
Sheldon Poeling
Well at least now the Chat pop-up window actually shows my friends, its no longer spinning. But I still can't close it, so still have a quarter of my screen blocked off by it.
Like September 10, 2020
Orbys Administrator
To close it just click the Top bar in the word Chat after it loads. We are working to get it minimized on open. BTW. We don't know this developer and or related to him that we are aware of. Neither we are aware of him working for us or related to someone that worked for us. We don't mind the compe... View More
Like September 12, 2020
Orbys Administrator
No we are not tied to the other platform. They started way after us. We had another name before For Marketing reasons we change it to Orbys (Not My Decision). They look like us because they use the same based PHP Social media package than us. Then you could customized it. I hope tha... View More
Like September 12, 2020 Edited
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Bridgette Reeves
Hi there. Is Orbys gping to be adding any news pages like Newsmax or OAN news? Or any pages that are related to Trump from Trump himself? It seems this platform is extremely small & can’t find any pages worth having to keep informed on a daily basis...
Like November 22, 2020
Robert farrow
There are RSS feeds for news organizations. I can add Newsmax and OAN to them and update them daily. If you are interested, I am also keeping track of voter fraud developments on the voter fraud page.
Like November 22, 2020
Bridgette Reeves
I’m extremely new to this page, hoping to drop Facebook altogther... And I’ve heard a few of my friend are going to be doing the same... What exactly is the RSS feeds? Are they considered pages? & how do I connect to your voter fraud page?
Like November 22, 2020
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updated their profile photo.
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updated their cover photo.
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