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Orbis Vitae
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Global Skywatch
15 Members
Russ Tanner
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Russ Tanner
Join Our New Social Network Join - https://gsw.bz/join The new Global Skywatch social platform is now live and is part of the global Activity Pub network that distributes your posts to thousands of ... View More
Russ Tanner
August 10 Overnight We had another milder-than-usual night of spraying with an unusually steady intensity of 7.75- throughout the night. This is unusual because we had no discrete plumes, just stead... View More
Russ Tanner
Recently (May-July 2023), the "Model Cement/Burnt Plastic" chemtrail type has been sprayed at an intensity that is unprecedented historically reaching intensity level 10 daily. The flood of mainstream... View More
Russ Tanner
Robert Kennedy Says He Will Never Do An Interview Like This Again (see 2h48m) https://gsw.bz/tox
Russ Tanner
Russ Tanner
Russ Tanner
Russ Tanner
Russ Tanner
Video of Hydrogel and Artificial Biology in CV-Vax - Cutting-Edge Remedies http://orbisvitae.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=96007#Post96007
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