So basically everything that Speaker Johnson once opposed as a congressman he now supports as Speaker. #FISA #Ukraine #LateTermAbortionFacilities
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On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated
Thoughts on #SuperTuesday
Why and how the #FederalReserve is responsible... View More
The Truth About Weaponized Migration; How the Fed is Responsible for the U.S. Debt Crises
On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated
Thoughts on #SuperTuesday
Why and how the #FederalReserve is r
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“Was It Always About the Money?" Rand Paul Reveals the Real Reason Nikki Haley Loves War
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Senator Rand Paul joins Tucker Carlson to discuss his "Never Nikki" campaign.
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Lots of people online making excuses for this. No one can convince me this is justified for any reason...
Learn More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/antiwar/us-admits-to-sending-radioactive-weapo... View More
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Donna Stillman shared a video
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Angela Anaya
Grassley Drops BOMBSHELL: Burisma
Exec Who Allegedly Bribed Joe Biden
Recorded Calls
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https://rumble.com/v2r6sm8-5.31.23-milktoast-epstein-island-comey-desantis-trump-ukraine-pray.html Milktoast , #EpsteinIsland , Comey , #DeSantis , Trump , #Ukraine
5.31.23: Milktoast, Epstein Island, Comey, DeSantis, Trump, UKRAINE, PRAY!
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#Russia releasing #Evidence of #Ukraine #Biolabs . . .
https://conservativeroof.com/bombshell-evidence-russia-presents-documents-confirming-us-experimentation-with-avian-flu-pathogens-with-lethality... View More
robert shewey
Found the Russia releasing evidence of ukraine biolabs . . .
https://conservativeroof.com/bombshell-evidence-russia-presents-documents-confirming-us-experimentation-with-avian-flu-pathogens-with-let... View More
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Leaked US Docs Reveal NATO Forces On Ground in Ukraine Hour 1
#News #Infowars #Agenda2030 #AmericanJournal #NATO #Ukraine
https://rumble.com/v2hs3n8-leaked-us-docs-reveal-nato-forces-on-ground-in-ukr... View More
Leaked US Docs Reveal NATO Forces On Ground in Ukraine Hour 1
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U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist
The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actuall
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