Lady Drops The Hammer On BILLIONAIRE Oprah Winfrey For Asking For Donations From Struggling American
#oprah #oprahwinfrey #donation #maui #therock #dwaynejohnson
She nailed It!!
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Homestead Magazine
As they redact documents, now miles of black curtains to hide what's going on. And a firsthand report of what happened in the British Columbia fires. Government is going from bad to evil but a liste... View More
Miles of Black Curtains in Maui: What are They Trying to Hide?
As they redact documents, now miles of black curtains to hide what's going on.And a firsthand report of what happened in the British Columbia fires.Government is going from bad to evil but a list
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FEMA Turns Hawaii Tragedy into a Tropical Retreat, Stays at $1,000-a-Night Luxury Hotels Leaving Taxpayers Footing the Bill | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
While most government officials (not corrupt) would see a trip to Hawaii as an opportunity to address the recent tragedy near Lahaina, it seems FEMA officials saw it as an opportunity for something qu
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Homestead Magazine
In deadly Maui fires, those who dodged barricades survived
As flames tore through a West Maui neighborhood, fleeing residents headed for the only paved road out of town in a dash for safety.... View More
In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged barricades survived
As flames tore through a West Maui neighborhood, fleeing residents headed for the only paved road out of town in a dash for safety.
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Donna Stillman shared a video
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Homestead Magazine
Why was it so bad? How is it being used? What needs to be done about it?
Hawaii: Climate Change? Directed Energy?
Why was it so bad?How is it being used?What needs to be done about it? Find out more about the show and where you can watch it atTheDavidKnightShow.com If you would like to support the show and our fa
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Heidi M Parker TRUE NEWS
I'm prayerfully like you going down the demonic rabbit hole seeking truth
Wondering what the fires in Maui were REALLY about?
Forced Deep State implementation of “smart cities” in Hawaii ? ??
Thes... View More
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Heidi M Parker TRUE NEWS
Sadly YES YES YES We need to BRACE OURSELVES on the death toll of this tragedy for certain https://t.me/mel_gibsonchannel/2729 BRACE OURSELVES for what ever else is coming our way Will shake the world... View More
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Heidi M Parker TRUE NEWS
HAWAII: Billionaires like Oprah Winfrey, Larry Ellison, and Jeff Bezos have been wanting to purchase this prime real estate land from the Hawaiians who will not sell. If this was caused by hurricane w... View More
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