BREAKING: This is for all the anti-Israel Naysayers
Pardon my "French" but don't start no shit and there will be no shit!
Israel Daily News – War Day 184 April 07, 2024
Day 184 of the war in Gaza and 134 hostages held in captivity for half a year now, and the IDF announces four fallen soldiers, and hostage talks should reportedly resume. And much more.
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In today’s media, biased reporting and anti-Israel agendas are prevalent, as the State of Israel is under relentless attack.
From the “spinning” of unfolding political events in order to display Israel in a negative light, to the misrepresenting facts, media outlets are providing the fuel which shapes negative public opinion and contributes to the Delegitimization of the State of Israel.
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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks at:
The World Economic Forum's War on Food as a means to control the global food supply
Tens of thousands of #MSM #journalist fired in what's being... View More
The WEF's War on Farmers and a Mainstream Journalism Extinction Event
On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi looks at:
The World Economic Forum's War on Food as a means to control the global food supply
Tens of thousands of #MSM #journalist fired in wh
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https://rumble.com/v4nck2r-the-mystery-of-israel-solved-the-plan-to-make-israel-the-center-of-a-one-wo.html The Mystery of #Israel Solved! - The Plan To Make Israel The Center Of A One World #Governme... View More
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“Was It Always About the Money?" Rand Paul Reveals the Real Reason Nikki Haley Loves War
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It seems, neocon, #TimPool has finally said what needs to be said about #Israel.
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One important thing to understand about #Israel, is that it's a Protestant-Templerist (Presbiteerian) based British Territory being used to Theocratically Control a Jewish and other populations. It's, if anything, the Zionist, a Jewish Rite. Not purely, or religiously.
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Freedom coins discovered #Israel https://m.jpost.com/archaeology/2000-year-old-freedom-to-zion-coins-found-in-binyamin-region-673677
2,000-year-old ‘Freedom to Zion’ coins found in biblical heartland
The coins, dated to around the Second Temple and Bar Kochba revolt periods, document the Jewish revolt against the Romans.
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