

Homestead Magazine
On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores: The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated Thoughts on #SuperTuesday Why and how the #FederalReserve is responsible... View More
Homestead Magazine
On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores: The #Pentagon is warning a #NATO war with #Russia could happen if #Ukraome falls #BarackObama is at it again: This time he's asking foreign int... View More
Erika Blas
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Erika Blas
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Alicia Curry
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Urban America: ADOS & FBA are Stepping On Stepin Fetchit and Black American Immigrants Not The Other Way Around! Debate #immigration #illegalimmigration #queenmaatgirltv #StepinF... View More
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Kelly JJ
#Immigration "As Americans struggle to make ends meet, 'blue' states want taxpayers to subsidize #Afghan housing costs" https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/as-americans-struggle-to-make-ends-meet-b... View More
Kelly JJ
Meanwhile at the Texas border…another busy night of many ill*gal border crossings. YT live of massive border activity at about 4am CST on 8/31/21. #BorderNetworkNews #Immigration About one hour in h... View More
Huffinglue Post
Michael Wilson
Kenneth Mac
Biden kills asylum deals with Central American nations, orders Border Patrol to let illegal aliens roam free. http://bit.ly/2ObBiden kills asylum deals with Central American nations, orders Border Pa... View More
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