On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated
Thoughts on #SuperTuesday
Why and how the #FederalReserve is responsible... View More
The Truth About Weaponized Migration; How the Fed is Responsible for the U.S. Debt Crises
On today's The Truth Central Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The truth behind Weaponized #Immigration and how it's being perpetrated
Thoughts on #SuperTuesday
Why and how the #FederalReserve is r
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On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The #Pentagon is warning a #NATO war with #Russia could happen if #Ukraome falls
#BarackObama is at it again: This time he's asking foreign int... View More
Pentagon Warns of War with Russia if Ukraine Falls; Obama Tries to Spy on Trump Again
On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores:
The #Pentagon is warning a #NATO war with #Russia could happen if #Ukraome falls
#BarackObama is at it again: This time he's asking f
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#Cherokee #CherokeeNation #Veritas #JoeBiden #AndrewLorenzenStrait #Immigration #DepartmentOfHealthAndHumanServices #CherokeeFederal #FederalContractor #MigrantCare #Relocation #UnaccompaniedMigrantCh... View More
Homestead Magazine
“There’s a much easier way to earn $2 Billion than caring for 80,000 kids…”
“Cherokee Nation is not this benevolent humanitarian actor. They make most of their money with alcohol and gambling.”
“It’... View More
Former Biden Transition Official Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Describes His “Corrupt Bargain” Scheme
“There’s a much easier way to earn $2 Billion than caring for 80,000 kids…”
“Cherokee Nation is not this benevolent humanitarian actor. They make most of their money with alcohol and gambli
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Homestead Magazine
Beyond the groups of people crossing illegally into the United States and giving themselves up to Border Patrol are the lesser-known individuals known as the “gotaways.” This group of illegal immigran... View More
Gotaways: The Hidden Border Crisis | Documentary
Beyond the groups of people crossing illegally into the United States and giving themselves up to Border Patrol ...
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Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Urban America: ADOS & FBA are Stepping On Stepin Fetchit and Black American Immigrants Not The Other Way Around! Debate #immigration #illegalimmigration #queenmaatgirltv #StepinF... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Urban America: ADOS & FBA Step On FBA Immigrants Like Stepin Fetchit!
Join us on the front lines of the information war, for our finale debate broadcast before I take a much needed break from broadcasting for a while. I was instrumental in exposing ADOS and FBA at their inception. Exposes that destroyed these fascistic, bigoted, xenophobic black hate groups. Now, I aim to finish them off once and for all with the biggest expose yet! It hasn't been black immigrants who have treaded on or stepped on black Americans, it has been black Americans who have stepped on black immigrants who have come to this country legally, became citizens and were historically pioneers in vast professions, paving the way for black Americans. If you disagree with me, I'm calling you out to a scholastic debate. The winner of this debate will be paid a cash app award beginning at $100 dollars and up. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #StepinFetchit #FBABlackImmigrants
Book recommendation: The Great Migration and the Harlem Renaissance (The African American Experience: from Slavery to the Presidency) Library Binding https://www.amazon.com/Migration-Renaissance-African-American-Experience/dp/1680480456
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"As Americans struggle to make ends meet, 'blue' states want taxpayers to subsidize #Afghan housing costs"
https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/as-americans-struggle-to-make-ends-meet-b... View More
As Americans struggle to make ends meet, "blue" states want taxpayers to subsidize Afghan housing costs
States such as California and Massachusetts are considering asking American taxpayers to fund housing for recently arrived Afghans brought to the U.S.
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Meanwhile at the Texas border…another busy night of many ill*gal border crossings.
YT live of massive border activity at about 4am CST on 8/31/21.
#BorderNetworkNews #Immigration
About one hour in h... View More
Massive Border Activity (Border Network News) www.BNNgear.com
Another busy night of many ill*gal border crossers.
Follow me on Rumble and www.Orbys.net
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Chayote Outraged Over Kamala Harris' Attacks. https://www.huffingluepost.com/?id=201 On Mind+: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1249190494923882496?referrer=TheBlackJester #Chayote #Coyote #Immigration... View More
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#Border_Patrol #Immigration #Illegal_Immigrant
Man Charged with High Speed Flight from Border Patrol Checkpoint in an RV - M.Y. - Wright Publishing
According to the complaint, in the early morning hours of December 12, 2020, Border Patrol agents observed a large group of undocumented immigrants cross the U.S.-Mexican border in an area known to ag
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Biden kills asylum deals with Central American nations, orders Border Patrol to let illegal aliens roam free.
http://bit.ly/2ObBiden kills asylum deals with Central American nations, orders Border Pa... View More
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