

The Free Thought Project
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Erika Blas
#IllegalAlien in #NYC complaining about not being able to eat the #Food at the #Shelter, the food is "no good" after the #Ramadan break, only being able to stay at the shelter for 2 months & having to... View More
Homestead Magazine
On today's The Truth Central, Dr. Jerome Corsi explores: The #Pentagon is warning a #NATO war with #Russia could happen if #Ukraome falls #BarackObama is at it again: This time he's asking foreign int... View More
Erika Blas
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Lucretia Hughes
Erika Blas
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Alicia Curry
Huffinglue Post
Tri Com
From my friend in NYC. She’s trying to move her and her daughter out of there. #nyc #ny
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Gölök Z Buday
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