

Golok Z Buday
In a desire to exploit the horror of #AfzaalFamily #JagmeetSingh has seemed to spent a year believing media framing device, a word called "may." A way to avoid accountability for false information. ... View More
The Black Jester
BJM Ep069: Suicide Epstein Donald Trump Alex Jones And Other Things I Might Not Be Talking About. Talking about NPD/Liberal Agreement, Decentralization and Allies. #NDP #LiberalParty #cdnpoli #ChrisS... View More
The Black Jester
Gölök Z Buday
CPAC MP Responses... An old woman at the #TruckersConvoy protest being trampled by Mounted Cops in Ontario is a perfect metaphor for their horrendous care home system. #ontpoli #ottawa #cdnpoli Origin... View More
Golok Z Buday
Gölök Z Buday
Gölök Z Buday
How The Liberals, NDP, And Greens Elevate LGBT Voices In Vancouver East. https://www.gzlfb.com/?id=383 #lgbt #bisexual #vaneast #vancouvereast #liberalparty #ndp #greens
Huffinglue Post
Golok Z Buday
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