

Gölök Z Buday
CPAC MP Responses... An old woman at the #TruckersConvoy protest being trampled by Mounted Cops in Ontario is a perfect metaphor for their horrendous care home system. #ontpoli #ottawa #cdnpoli Origin... View More
Gölök Z Buday
It takes a basic Majority to Amend the #Canadian Constitution, is that not insane? https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-13.html#h-57 #cdnpoli #wexit
Golok Z Buday
Things you won't find in the Constitution Act. "Prime Minister," Speaker is the only official position. Parties, there are no parties. Manatoba, Alberta, Sask, and BC with regard to parliament (our... View More
Gölök Z Buday
Things you won't find in the Constitution Act. "Prime Minister," Speaker is the only official position. Parties, there are no parties. Manatoba, Alberta, Sask, and BC with regard to parliament (our... View More
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