

Alberto F Esperon
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Orlando Ramos
AN UNBREAKABLE BOND: Dear Moms and Dads, THANK YOU For Raising HEROES! We Are Dependable and Ready Every Time Our Number Is Called! Get Home Safe and God Bless You HEROES! #GodBless #GoodPolicing #We... View More
Alberto F Esperon
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Cindy Shivers
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John Bennett
19 years ago tomorrow, 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights, 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work tomorrow. 343 Firefighters went to sleep in preparation for... View More
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Alberto F Esperon
We will never ever forget
Like September 11, 2020
Worst morning of my life. I was 27yrs old. I remember my phone going off at 7am CST being told to turn on the news.
Like September 11, 2020
Luz C Rodriguez
911 touch to many lives!!
Like September 11, 2020
Golok Z Buday
I am guessing this cop threatened #GeorgeFloyd at work, that man was scared to death. #FloydsLifeMatters #BlueVsYou #ThinBlueLine https://trends.gab.com/item/5f2833d7d4322adc3102221d
Orlando Ramos
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