

Alberto F Esperon
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Alberto F Esperon
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Police The Police
Fair warning to all clowns... #PoliceThePolice #PTP
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Police The Police
We've finally identified why there are so many bootlickers in this country! #PoliceThePolice #PTP
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Police The Police
When you finally realize police don't actually "protect and serve" but instead only enforce laws things start to make a lot more sense... H/T: @DavidDennisJr #PoliceThePolice #PTP
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Police The Police
There is nothing noble or heroic about accepting stolen funds to initiate violence enforcing victimless laws on peaceful people for corrupt politicians. Hopefully they eventually realize that instead ... View More
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Police The Police
While we don't always agree with Mr Chomsky, he is spot on here. It is important to distinguish the individual from the institution. It is the institution that is "bad," "corrupt," "rigged," and "immo... View More
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Police The Police
Smith and Wesson. That's who! Think we are silly enough to depend on government "services?" #PoliceThePolice #PTP
Police The Police
Coming soon to a galaxy near you! ✨ #PoliceThePolice #PTP #StarWars #StarWarsMemes
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Police The Police
Most people think that if police didn't exist in their current capacity they simply wouldn't exist at all. Nothing highlights indoctrination better than this. The problem with the current model is tha... View More
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