Tyrants Owned. Unlawful Orders Denied. Tails Tucked. Security Educated. Boston Police. Mass.
This is a short compilation of 3 interactions, the 1st being on Thursday July 1st 2021 at approximately 11:36, the 2nd and 3rd being on Wednesday June 23rd. All of these interactions were in Boston Massachusetts. The incident on July 1st happened in an area known to locals as "methadone mile" on Mass Ave. I came up onto a scene with 2 males handcuffed with about 15 or more Boston police officers on seen. Within minutes 2 of the officers couldn't help themselves to show me that they were tyrants.
The other 2 Interactions were in the area of the North station MBTA stop and/or the Boston Garden. Right outside of the Boston Garden the security tried to give me orders and down the street I caught a half plain clothes officer officer parking illegally in a fire vehicle zone only.
Please let me know what you think of these interactions in the comment section down below!!! Remember if you are watching this video on a TV and/or computer to also hit that play button on your phone. Especially if you are watching it with more than one person so my channel can get the correct views in algorithm. I appreciate all of the support!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!
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?You need to ask the owner if you can record his property? 1st amendment audit
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Hot Headed Tough Guy Gets Educated. State Police Called. Allied Security. Shutdown. Boston. Mass.
This was on Thursday June 17th 2021, outside of the Department of Mental Health and unemployment building in Boston Massachusetts, at approximately 12:43. As I was walking in downtown Boston I decided to start recording the back entrance and loading docs of the department of mental health and unemployment building. Soon after I started recording a delivery truck started backing into the loading dock Bay.
I was approached fairly quickly by a tough guy Allied security officer stating I could not record from the sidewalk into the building. We had a fairly heated back-and-forth and he called his sergeant out who eventually called out the lieutenant. This hot headed tough guy challenged me that I could not go inside the building to record and I took him up on that challenge. The lieutenant ended up calling the state police. I hope you all enjoy this interaction!!!
Please let me know what you think of the interaction in the common section down below!!! I appreciate all of the support as Mass Accountability continues to grow because of all of you!!! Please continue to help build the algorithm and Comment, like, share and subscribe!!!! Donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!
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Tommy Visions Channel (My Photography and Videography Channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ6d6f3xohrBbcSqWnW405g
#MassAccountability #1stAmendment #1stAmendmentAudit #PoliceThePolice #PhotographyIsNotACrime #FilmThePolice #AlwysFilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #KnowYourRights #Boston #JustDoingMyJob #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLine #ThinBlueLineGang #Northshore #AlliedSecurity #Florida #California #Chicago #Texas
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