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Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
Jerry kruger
Like July 4, 2023
After a great workout, A great shake. Happy 4th of July to all proud Americans. If you are not proud of living in this country you are welcomed to GTFO. Pardon my honesty. Not taking it from anybody t... View More
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Today we celebrate our 246th Independence day. Lets just remember all the sacrifices people through centuries has gone to defend our country from enemies domestic and foreign. Several bad potatoes h... View More
The Pride nonth has ended and the “TO BE A PROUD AMERICAN” has started. ???????????????? . . #beproud?? #MABA #MAGA #IndependenceDay #Americafirst #2A #defendyourcountry #fightlikehell #loveAmerica #... View More
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Golok Z Buday
The real changes began on Sept 17th 1787 and Dec 15 1791. Good thing George Washington refused the permanent post. https://odysee.com/@unsafe:f/2021.Independence.Day:1 #Constitutionalism #Liberty #In... View More
Ivette Marrero-Santiago
Biden is trying to stopped our freedoms I will celebrate the #4thOfJuly #IndependenceDay! Whose with me?... https://parler.com/post/ead23caa-fe59-470a-b76a-c1bc2fd53656
Jean Millburg
Tabitha N Shipley
Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
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Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
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