

Double Standards
#DouglassMackey Was Found Guilty Of Posting The Meme On The Left In The 2016 Election! The Girl On The Right Was Never Arrested Or Charged For The Meme She Posted. What's The Difference? One Is A #Rep... View More
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#trump #news #texas #christian #republican #democrat #politics #political #religion #maga JUNE 30, 2022, SECRET AGENT MAN -MONOLOGUE- TODAY BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALKING OUT OF BOTH SIDES ... View More
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Cynthia Donate
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Robert farrow
If i were #racist, I would: 1) Be cheering that #black #women make up ~7% of the population, but account for 40% of #abortions. 2) Laughing that black men are killing each other by the hundreds every... View More
Deborah Taylor
Heya #ShareBlue ! More Evidence of Vote/Voter/Election Fraud. Want to try to explain? How about you #MSM ? #DNC ? #Democrats ? #DCCC ? #CCP ! ? Elections are supposed to be Voting Contests. Not #Dem... View More
Hello friend! just joined Telegram ! ?? Please Subscribe to his Channel and help him to gain his audience here! ??? ... View More
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☑️????Sound of Freedom 2020 Movie (Full Versoin) Streaming ?Watch here? https://t.co/HPfmkrgkg8?amp=1 ☚☚ ??????????? The story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a former US government agent, who quits hi... View More
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☑️????Sound of Freedom 2020 Movie (Full Versoin) Streaming ?Watch here? https://t.co/HPfmkrgkg8?amp=1 ☚☚ ??????????? The story of Tim Ballard (Jim Caviezel), a former US government agent, who quits hi... View More
Kenneth Mac
AOC Claims She Was Killed In The Capitol Riots And Is Now A Ghost! http://bit.ly/3jnwFhn #MarxistMoron, #Democrat. #Woketopian
Kenneth Mac
"I see nodding..." Lincoln Project Grifter Conway Goes Full Sergeant Schultz http://bit.ly/3jbu9uy #SexualAbuse #SexualPredator #Democrat
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