Biden's Afghanistan Mistakes
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Signs Your Friend Or Family Member Has Fallen Victim To The Woke Mind Virus
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American Hero Mike Glover: “Thousands of Americans” Are Still Stranded inside Afghanistan – Biden Administration Is AWOL
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/american-hero-mike-glover-thousands-... View More
American Hero Mike Glover: "Thousands of Americans" Are Still Stranded inside Afghanistan - Biden Administration Is AWOL (VIDEO)
Mike Glover is a special operations expert who is working with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to help to rescue Americans and American allies in Afghanistan. Mike says the NGOs are doing more t
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Nikuyah Walker is the mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia. She was elected to the city council in 2017 on a BLM-style platform and was selected by the council to be mayor in 2018 and 2020. Charlottesvi
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Biden’s Motorcade Booed by Huge Mob of Trump Supporters at Long Beach City College
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/bidens-motorcade-booed-huge-mob-trump-supporters-long-beach-city-college-v... View More
Biden's Motorcade Booed by Huge Mob of Trump Supporters at Long Beach City College (VIDEO)
More than 1,000 Trump supporters carrying “F*ck Biden” signs lined up out outside of Long Beach City College where Biden will be campaigning with Governor Gavin Newsom on the eve of the recall ele
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Happening Now: New Yorkers Chant “F**k Joe Biden” as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/happening-now-new-yorkers-chant-fk-joe-biden-ma... View More
Happening Now: New Yorkers Chant "F**k Joe Biden" as They March on Brooklyn Bridge Against Mandatory Vaccines (VIDEO)
Protesters against mandatory vaccinations chant “F*** Joe Biden” on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Even New Yorkers are fed up with the imposter president. NOW – Protesters against mandat
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White House abruptly cuts feed of Biden mid-sentence as he asks question at wildfires briefing
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Chuck Schumer Falsely Claims All Americans Who Wanted To Leave Afghanistan Got Out
Chuck Schumer Falsely Claims All Americans Who Wanted To Leave Afghanistan Got Out (VIDEO)
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York was caught openly lying about Americans getting out of Afghanistan this week. He falsely claimed that all Americans who wanted to get out of the country have done so.
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President Trump Sends Shock Waves Through GOP Establishment and Dishonest Media – Endorses Pro-Election Integrity Kristina Karamo For MI Secretary of State
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/pr... View More
President Trump Sends Shock Waves Through GOP Establishment and Dishonest Media - Endorses Pro-Election Integrity Kristina Karamo For MI Secretary of State
100 Percent Fed Up – This afternoon, President Trump sent shockwaves through the establishment GOP and Democrat Party when he jumped into the Michigan primary election races and endorsed pro-electio
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Murderer! Worthless Piece of Trash!” – Trump Supporters Line the Streets in New Jersey to Tell Joe Biden What They Think of Him (VIDEO)
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/murderer-worthless-pi... View More
"Murderer! Worthless Piece of Trash!" - Trump Supporters Line the Streets in New Jersey to Tell Joe Biden What They Think of Him (VIDEO)
Joe Biden traveled to Manville, New Jersey on Tuesday to deliver remarks on ‘climate change’ after Hurricane Ida’s remnants caused flooding last week. 81-million vote recipient Joe Biden arrived
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