Uncensored Political News
Uncensored Political News
Sunday Talks, Mitch McConnell Says Senate is Fully Behind Joe Biden Escalating War Against Russia Using Ukraine https://t.co/ArjaJNnzxS
Robert farrow
EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul was involved in FIVE companies probed by the feds as shocking paper trail connects him to a slew of fraudsters and convicted criminals  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/... View More
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Robert farrow
Robert farrow
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Robert farrow
It's Time for Black America to Break Up With the Democratic Party https://www.newsweek.com/its-time-black-america-break-democratic-party-opinion-1649223
Robert farrow
Senate Banking Committee Confronts Communist Banking Nominee Saule Omarova During Confirmation Hearing https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/11/18/senate-banking-committee-confronts-communis... View More
Robert farrow
Democrat Terry McAuliffe Trashes Parents in Closing Argument: Our School Boards Were Fine Until “THESE PEOPLE Started Showing Up” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/democrat-terry-mcauliffe-tra... View More
Robert farrow
National Divorce Is Expensive, But It's Worth Every Penny The National Divorce discussion prepares the ground for crucial thinking about what comes next in America, as the country grows even more div... View More
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