Police The Police
on April 20, 2021
Disclaimer: This is the father of a friend of PTP. He has grown up most of his life without his dad. All because he voluntarily exchanged a substance that people who claim authority over his life said he couldn't possess. No victim. No harm, no property damage.
Michael is one of the millions of Americans who have been victimized by the war on drugs. It is time to end this war on our neighbors and loved ones so that Michael and many more can go home.
In the meantime, the legislature in Florida (where Michael is imprisoned) is considering a bill called SB662, which would allow state attorneys to petition courts to reduce sentences for people like Michael who should not continue to be in jail, so that we don't just have to rely on clemency boards.
Want to help get SB662 passed?
Send the following wording below (or this information in your wording) to the addresses I'll provide below it:
"I'm writing to voice my support for the passage of Senate Bill 662 for the following reasons: In 1994 Michael Edwards was sentenced as a habitual offender to two consecutive 30-year terms of imprisonment (totaling 60 years) for committing two nonviolent sales of cocaine offenses (Lee County Case No. 93-CF-2364). As of today, he has served 28 years of his sentence and his current release date is 12-14-2039, eighteen years from now! Since 2015 the former state attorney (Joe D'Alessandro) and current assistant state attorney (Cynthia Ann Ross) that prosecuted Michael's case has agreed that his 60-year sentence no longer advances the interest of justice and needs to be reduced to time served, but six years later he still languishes in prison because there is no judicial remedy available for the state attorney to petition the court to resentence Michael Edwards to time served, except for the proposed resentencing remedy SB662 will create: Florida Statute 921.30. You can verify the afore by calling Mr. D'Alessandro at (239) 461-5508 and Ms. Ross at (239) 335-2700.
Michael's case is a prime example of why the resentencing remedy under Florida Statute 921.30 needs to be enacted immediately. And as a concerned voter, I'm writing to ask each of you to vote in favor of the proposed resentencing bill (SB662) when it's brought up for a vote in committee and in front of the full Senate, and that you ask each Senator in your committee to do the same, so A.S.A. Ross can petition the court to resentence Michael to time served and he doesn't languish in prison another 18 years.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and let me know if you are going to vote for or against SB662. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated."
#PoliceThePolice #PTP #Florida
#EndTheDrugWar #MichaelEdward
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