Taiho or Tai Decker
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9 May 2018 16:38:20 UTC
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Taiho Decker
2018, May 09 UTC 16:38:20 via FB broken link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156659196007847&id=520497846
(Rough draft)
An experiment to understand if curiosity can be engineered.
This is NOT to draw sympathy or paint me as a victim.
...continually muzzled since 2009. (e.g Shadowbanned by Twitter May 02, 2018)
People who think themselves superior will often abuse those that imagine are not their equals.
Note: why weren't the Professors (Zimbardo), psychiatrists & psychologists charged with crimes IMMEDIATELY after the Stanford Prison Experiment?
Weren't they were sadistic in nature?
(Note: former NY AG Eric Schneiderman is a modern day example )
Persons of Good Faith want to face their accusers. (Curiosity)
Accusers of Bad Faith don't want to be questioned by their victims. (Fear)
...thus a road of being Retired but Reluctantly Reporting about Abuses Under the Color of Authority that I documented as an immersive journalist...
... (analogous to 'undercover' if Lawful Enforcement had sufficient courage to risk their pensions).
Note: I wholeheartedly support LAWFUL ENFORCERS and other private & government employees who do their jobs coherently and competently.
Since I need to 'sneak' Good Faith information past the Unlawful Enforcers and private & government employees who don't want to be held accountable...
...This most notably today are the so-called 'journalists' of MSM and the collusion they have to create 'mental prisons'
(Thank you Kanye & President Trump as other Reluctant Journalists)
I do not seek 'publicity' or 'followers' or compensation or a formal job with MSM because what I do is to put MYSELF in harm's way and document the expected and unexpected ABUSES UNDER THE COLOR OF AUTHORITY.
I don't want to write a book.
The last time I attempted that I was targeted for execution using USEFUL IDIOTS of Solano County's 'finest'...
...Here's the thing, when allowed, their judicial branch allowed fraudulent charges to be dismissed some 3 years after a kangaroo court process that included heavily sedating me and forcing a plea...
...indistinguishable from an abstract type of #MeToo analogy.
I found out via Scott Adam's education to many in:
...that analogies largely fail because they can be ridiculed because they aren't exactly the same thing...irony not lost.
First I had to research the various elements of:
🇺🇸 cultures (which includes religions) and those competent persons who make
🇺🇸 the greatest country in the world.
I defend the US Constitution RELIGIOUSLY...
...Which requires defending even the unpopular parts like the parts others want to ignore.
An example is the abstract definition of the term "militia" in the body of the US Constitution as ratified in 1788.
The term "police" had not yet been invented or 'coined'...
...(Double entendres/puns intended.
For example, to note pensions silence otherwise government's [all levels] employed peers of Good Faith.
🎙️"APPEARING disjointed and irrelevant today to many if not most...
is a technique.
...What I post I hope to hold water in 1, 3, 5 & 10 years ...
That's how Business Development Management should function.
Therefore I corrected the intentional errors (as a defense for intentional fallacies used today by MSM) of my resume and am posting the Curriculum Vitae (CV) for verification purposes if challenged. I expect no challengers.
This tactic was used by encyclopedias & map makers - fictitious entry or 'trap street', respectively.
Note: 'Intentional fallacies' are a trademark of Unlawful Electronic Surveillance.
Today, we use emotions, or knee-jerk, for decisions that used to be called 'arbitrary' (unequal application) & 'capricious' (by whim or emotional engineering)"
In times of oppression, only the preposterous survives.
Check previously credible sources...always.
Back when I tried to get 50th anniversary recognition for JFK's "The President & The Press" even the JFK library had an edited version.
😇, my alma mater UCSB had the better archive!
[COINCIDENTALLY link broken 🙄 see instead: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-the-president-and-the-press-before-the-american-newspaper-publishers-association ]
Like I said, I defend the US Constitution, religiously.
See translation
Dimension: 312 x 314
File Size: 34.86 Kb
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