Vicki Kellerman
on January 25, 2021
By Kim Clement
April 4, 2008
I feel the Spirit of the Lord telling me to tell you:
“There is a reason to have joy at this time - for many say, “this is the worst time ever in America." The Spirit of God said, “who would declare a recession, and who would declare where I am going?” God said, “This is the best time, because joy is coming to you in the Spring,” says the Lord. Joy is coming to you in the Spring, therefore, I want you to prophesy it: Joy!
God said, “You have enticed me, you have enticed me. You have enchanted Me, enticed.” God said, “You have fascinated me, your sounds of faith and your sounds of praise and your embracing of the prophet and My promise has lured Me in a good way, attracted Me to come a little closer to you, to listen to the sounds of faith, to the sounds of victory, to the sounds of joy. You have sent a message to the caverns and the caves and the dungeons of hell: we shall relive and we will do greater than our forefathers and greater works in His name. The forces of darkness have trembled tonight at the sound of a people who are unafraid to fight a good fight of faith.”
And they shall say, "but now there is a second President, how can we have two presidents?" “An unusual thing, isn't it?” says the Spirit of the Lord. “Why would it be that one with a double mind would stand up and face the people?” “No,” they shall say, "we have two presidents, what do we do now?" Fear not, for God said, “as I promised before this is My Nation and I will change things according to the time and season and I told you now in Spring I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden so that My Nation can move into this next election and to the next phase with victory and honor and glory,” says the Lord of Hosts!
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