Tri Com
Tri Com
Formal announcement @ Take Back America Rally in AL, “TRUMP 2024”!!!!!!! ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ??
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Vicki Kellerman
Hi, I started a Christian Patriots 4 Trump Telegram Channel today. Come join us there and invite your friends! ??
Vicki Kellerman
? Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in th... View More
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Vicki Kellerman
Wellington, Ohio 6/26/2021 #TrumpRally #MAGA #SaveAmerica ???❤️?
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Tri Com
Tri Com
My family and I will not wear masks (have not), we will not take the vaccine, we will submit to the one and only GOD and we will defy tyrants!!!! ???????❤️ View More
Tri Com
Bombshell development: The Maricopa election database was illegally wiped clean days before the audit began! Watch live here: C-D: Dlive: Twitch: https://... View More
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Tri Com
Tri Com
Did any of you know about this?! This is the first tile I heard about Couy; I wondered where he went. Please, help out financially if you can and always pray for him. Thank you!! https://givesendgo.c... View More
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