

Crime / Family and Society News
Violent #Portland BLM-Antifa rioter Dakota K. Means, who was previously federally convicted for threatening to shoot a federal officer with an AR near the sieged federal courthouse in August 2020 but ... View More
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Jean Millburg
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Kenneth Mac
#FakeNews Nets Spend Less Than a Minute on Violent "Ideas" Rioting Over Biden’s Inauguration http://bit.ly/3qIA5hg #Seattle #Portland #Antifa #Terrorism #CommunistInsurrection
Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
Protester Privilege
The viral clips come fast and only tell part of the story. Watch the first of a new video series, #BeyondtheClip. This week we start with the clip from #portland that shows #blacklivesmatter and #ant... View More
Jean Millburg
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