

Jerry kruger
Realm Of The Mental Midget Slayer
It Began A Great Series, Ended Propaganda For Child Rapists: Bayonetta https://www.notkotaku.com/?id=304 #Bayonetta3 #Bayonetta #NintendoSwitch #GirlsInGaming #Feminism
Huffinglue Post
Alicia Curry
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Jerry kruger
lol they now putting warnings on your vides..... good job, you have the commies worried
Like August 17, 2022
Alicia Curry
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Alicia Curry
This MLK day 2022, we take a closer look at so called racism, and white supremacy arguments made by the radical left to see if they hold water during a heated debate. Trouble is left leaning black Ame... View More
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The Black Jester
Adri c
Tell me how liberals aren’t fooled tho of how they are actually pushing women back in the fact men will now be able to beat women in sports all day ? ??‍♀️ #feminists #Feminism #glassceiling #orbacktr... View More
Golok Z Buday
As long as your not all ribs, it's a good thing to be thin and fit. https://trends.gab.com/item/5eb3ce9012a5ae65d1054434 or direct to #timcast on #bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/AJfiEMoh9sM/ ... View More
Golok Z Buday
Well, no losses here. Did they know the virus doesn't give a shit about Patriarchy, Matriarchy, any archy. I agree more with the virus than them. https://trends.gab.com/item/5e82741cd4322adc31328085 ... View More
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