Have you ever lost a friendship over disagreements on politics #Leftism #Woke #PostWoke #feminism #PostFeminism
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It Began A Great Series, Ended Propaganda For Child Rapists: Bayonetta
#Bayonetta3 #Bayonetta #NintendoSwitch #GirlsInGaming #Feminism
It Began A Great Series, Ended Propaganda For Child Rapists: Bayonetta | The Realm of the Mental Midget Slayer
Realmulation, A site resurfacing regaring Video Games, Consoles, and Emulation. Sort of an old look back at something, Polygones Begone and Stuff.
Golok Z Buday likes this.
DIRTY OLD LADIES START NEW LIPSTICK LINE... https://www.huffingluepost.com/?id=266 On "Minds+": https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1412337667802140685?referrer=TheBlackJester #Feminism #ButterflyKisses #... View More
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Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Urban America: Woes Me Has Created A Generation Of Sissy's. #violenceagainstwomen #feminism #abuse #realmendonthitwomen #malcolmx #maga #SaveAmerica #rebuildthefamilybyrebuildingt... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Urban America: 'Woes Me' Has Created A Generation Of Sissy's!
Join us for another scholastic B.C.C debate. Topic: Woes me, and black people playing the victim has created a generation of sissified black men. So called men so emotionally unstable that they fight women! A man should absolutely never EVER put his hands on a woman, regardless if she threw the first punch! A Spirit Airlines agent was suspended after he fought a female passenger in the public eye! If you disagree with me I'm calling you out for a scholastic debate! The winner of this debate will be paid a $100 Cash App award, or creator. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #SpiritAirlines #MenFightingWomen
Jerry kruger likes this.
lol they now putting warnings on your vides..... good job, you have the commies worried
Kevin Samuels Exposed The Failure Of The Pro Black Man #kevinsamuels #restinpowerkevinsamuels #feminism #alphamale #betamale #verzus #debate #conservatism #nuclearfamily #toxicblackwomen #abortion #b... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Black America: Kevin Samuels Exposed The Failure In The Pro Black Man!
In dedication to the memory of Kevin Samuels I am calling on his supporters and haters to join us for this scholastic debate! Because my platform mirrors Kevin Samuels tough love approach, and controversial (often hated) constructive self help consultation approach, I find it fitting to debate the issue I have mentioned time, and time again regarding the obvious simp weakness of the pro black man. Until men stand up, rediscovering their backbones, and unapologetically correct voice, and assert their place and role as leaders of the black community black men, women and children will never earn the respect of outside races.
Simping up to women, and hustling them by telling them what you think they want to hear in order to grow YouTube channels, and get that bag is not leading as a man, nor is it protecting black women. It is the unsung reason for the collective failure of Black America! If you disagree I am calling you out! The winner of this debate will receive a cash app reward of $100 or better. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #KevinSamules #ProBlackFailure
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This MLK day 2022, we take a closer look at so called racism, and white supremacy arguments made by the radical left to see if they hold water during a heated debate. Trouble is left leaning black Ame... View More
Join us for another B.C.C scholastic debate. This MLK day, we will continue the doctors great and mighty work in unifying the races in America. In an effort to prove racism does not exist, I will highlight how time after time, and time again we have seen instances occur between black men and their preferred choice of woman (the white or non black woman) where either toxic motherhood is displayed, or out right feminism. In such cases the woman is never attacked, and feminism is never underscored as a axis of evil against the heterosexual black man, and the nuclear black family.
Kim Kardashian is the screaming image of a toxic white mother, being that she threatened to keep Kanye West from seeing Chicago on her birthday! Kim Kardashian is also the splitting image of feminism displayed by her sexual escapades. This is prove that racism and feminism really don't matter to black Americans, and at best any and all arguments made against them are deflection, moving of the goal post, gaslighting, and a means to get out of jail free. If you disagree, then I am calling you out to a debate.
Rules: Please be sure that you have a working Cash app account connected to your bank account, also take the opposing argument that you believe that racism and feminism are real in order to debate for the cash prize beginning at $100. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #KimKardashian #Chicago #Feminism #Racism
Source used in this video under "fair use" law: Copaganda - How Cop Shows Lie to You | The Daily Social Distancing Show
Trevor looks at how depictions of police in film and TV can skew public perception of cops and glorify officers who break laws and use violence unnecessarily on the job. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #CopShows
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BACKLASH INSTANT REGRET EPIC FAIL MELTDOWN EXPOSED! https://www.blackjester.com/?id=293 #G4TV #Froskurinn #Feminism #SchoolChoice #AOTS #XPlay #TheJab #VaccinePassports #BJM #BlackJesterMatters
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Tell me how liberals aren’t fooled tho of how they are actually pushing women back in the fact men will now be able to beat women in sports all day ? ??♀️ #feminists #Feminism #glassceiling #orbacktr... View More
‘A new glass ceiling’: Biden administration orders schools to allow males on female teams | The College Fix
Texas also seeks to 'intervene' in defense of Title IX regulation, given Biden's longstanding 'hostility' to due process.
As long as your not all ribs, it's a good thing to be thin and fit. https://trends.gab.com/item/5eb3ce9012a5ae65d1054434 or direct to #timcast on #bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/AJfiEMoh9sM/ ... View More
Fat Feminists OUTRAGED That People Celebrate Adele's Weight Loss, Well Good For Her | Trends
Fat Feminists OUTRAGED That People Celebrate Adele's Weight Loss, Well Good For Her
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Well, no losses here. Did they know the virus doesn't give a shit about Patriarchy, Matriarchy, any archy. I agree more with the virus than them. https://trends.gab.com/item/5e82741cd4322adc31328085 ... View More
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