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Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes
Lucretia Hughes


Golok Z Buday
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Samuel Saldana
This post can get you three (3) day in #FaceBook Jail! I am in Jail right now!
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Michael Wilson
Golok Z Buday
Give all your stuff away #Zuckerman, really if your that fond of communism, shit give it to my relatively poor ass. https://odysee.com/@TimcastNews:0/facebook-censors-stories-about-marxist:7 #Facebook... View More
Golok Z Buday
Looks like #Facebook doesn't want you to "Hug A Pony and Love Your Neighbor." I basically got them to say this. #Censorship #TheBlackJester
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
20 million incidents #Facebook https://trib.al/tYgUJui
Golok Z Buday
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Stop the PC- Fighting to uphold our Constitutional rights
America's Voice News: House Republicans have addressed Facebook’s Oversight Board, accusing it of unfair political manipulation and asking for Trump’s ban to be lifted specifically. The Oversight Boa... View More
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Ivette Marrero-Santiago
Yes, I am free from #Facebook; last night I finally deactivated my personal profile account for at least the next 6 months if not forever & the feeling is awesome! 😅 😬 🙃 😂
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