
Hey, Democrats.
Xiden's junta is refusing to replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve!
Watch for #Bidenflation to rise!
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Hey, Democrats.
#Bidenflation is still with us.
"Gasoline prices on the rise in Las Vegas, and expected to go higher!"
The average price of gas per gallon in 2016 was $2.16, now it is $3.26.
Prices have risen faster in a shorter amount of time than I can remember!
All those real and imaginary votes for Biden are coming back to bite you, aren't they?
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Hey, Democrats.
Biden is at it again. When he took office he immediately knee-capped American energy, now, well, as I said, he's at it again.
“Here’s the truth: Climate warriors want President Biden to destroy America’s fossil-fuel industry, but he doesn’t want to pull the trigger himself. By withholding permits, the president can scare away investors, bleed these projects of capital, and claim to have clean hands if the terminals close.”
#Bidenflation is about to go on steroids!
We need #Trump2024NowMoreThanEver!
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Hey, Democrats.
Still want that vacation you can't afford because of #Bidenflation?
FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities Peo... View More
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Hey, Democrats.
Even your vacation plans are ruined under #BidenFlation.
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Hey, Democrats,
In 2020 Vox said Dept. stores were in decline. They said, and I agree, online shopping has increased. But THIS YEAR a steeper decline is the Xiden's inflation tax & policies!
#BidenFlation brought about by
#Bidenomics because
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Hey, Democrats! Wanna know why the globalists are gunning for Russell Brand? So, all those 80 million votes wanted uncontrollable drug prices, you know, as was said, it is about choices. Fill a prescription or fill your fridge. That's #Bidenflation and his promise to you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO2Evhi4QUY
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The Epoch Times - Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov - 2000 Mules Sparks County Sheriff To Initiate 2020 Fraud Investigation: 16 Cases Already Open!!! | Facts Matter | Friday, May 13, 2022 | FULL COMMUN... View More
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